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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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© 1999 - 2025 Engrish.com. All rights reserved.
Also called ‘Sperman’
For power selection, use stick shift
Inspired by Cocka-Cola
King of the Bash Room. Paly time will never be the same.
This is not a shirt I would buy.
Does it cum in any other color
cocboy has manboobs
Just don’t call me Richard
Glory hole-aluyah.
He’s really a little chicken.
Gender bender.
Like our Cocboy clothing line? Then check out our new Vaggirl line, in pink…..
Quick Hen-Girl! To the Coop-mobile! The Poacher is back in town.
Set the Power Selection for 99 and he’ll grow 12 inches. Or a foot. Whichever comes first.
Cocboy’s first training bra.
He cut in line? Pretty cocy.
1. Use ‘Do Me’ button
2. Paly with coc
Is there any other type?
@DnT Aww maye! I thought the Limerick was quite passable. 😥
That’s like our Collins Class destroyers. They were designed by that great Swedish company Cock-ups. (Kockums)
Why he’s a high-faluting rootin’
Shootin’ son of a gun from Nanjing China
Palytime Cocboy, you’re talking ’bout your cocboy
Palytime Cocboy Joe
@ Marum: I was kidding! I assumed “crab” was typo and it seemed to fit with the theme of the limerick.
Cut in line? Too bad there were no coc-blockers around.
Cocboy runs on AC or DC!
Hey there paly-cocboy!
I would pary that you could paly a great game!
This shirt gives you the non-superpower of cutting in lines.
power selection: 02.
now diverting power from cock to man-boobs.
Power erection would’ve made more sense.
Cocboy likes to pullet.
Is “Cocboy” the new side-kick for Chickenman? “He’s everywhere, he’s everywhere!” To the Chicken Coupe, Cocboy!
[Oh well, that’s at least one reference nobody here will get…]
@Whirled One: From the Jess Caine show, mid seventies?
Super Chicken has a new sidekick!
You gotta fight, for your right, to pallllllyyyyyyy
What y’all want from cocboy? Form a single-file line…
When it’s Paly Time, come to Cocboy for the best fried chicken around!
No dice, paly!
Cocboy, thank god you’re here we need your help! Have no fear I’m here to save you. Power selection? MAXIMUM THRUST!