Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Just I want your here.
Wanna go for a raid?
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© 1999 - 2025 Engrish.com. All rights reserved.
So steal a Cuddle Cart today!
It doesn’t look big enough for ram-raiding though.
Do not pass Go, do not collect $200, go straight to redundant array of independent disks.
Raping and pillaging just isn’t what it used to be.
Raiders of the Lost Cuddle Cart
Made by Toys’R’Aid
Perfect for wall street exec’s kids.
You must be this tall to raid this store: —
Something for the grown ups.
Bought to you by Rolf Harris
– Raid 0, Raid 1 or Raid 2, Sir?
Teach kids raiding. Raiting and ‘rithmetic come later.
CAUTION: Don’t drink hard drive
Kills bugs dead.
Panty Raiding?
1. Turn on your computer
2. Call the police
3. Have a nice Raid!
Cuddly Raiders. Laying waste a town near you.
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Kingdom of the Last Cuddle Party:
Now on pirated DVDs at a market near you!
Buy one with your kebab and enjoy at home, who needs a cinema!
NB: It is illegal to support Hollywood here in Qatar, we don’t support those
American pigs!
Remember if it’s not Pirate – don’t buy it!
@DrLex: I just saw your comment after I posted, you kind of beat me there! 😉
If you’re not comfortable enough when you’re raiding – try the
Cuddle Cart. Works best when close to a special partner in crime.
Toys R Us is closing, mommy! Ramming speed!!!
Designed by Tom B. Raider
Ideal for all young Vikings.
This ad is approved by ISIS as a training aid for all budding Jihadists.
free piggy back raids!
NOTE: Sorry, we ran out o’mobile hard draivs.
It looks creepy!
Yarrr, we be out of rum. To the Cuddle Cart me harties!!!
If we gather enough kids, we could lay siege to disneyland or something…
Grand Theft Auto: Kiddy Version
Raiding: Early Childhood
Kids are well prepared to become future Bonnie and Clyde
I’m confused… Is it a reference to pillagers being no-cuddling folks, or to the MMORPG addicts’ need for artificial company?
Lots of people like to cuddle after a good raid.
Sweet. I needed something to help with World of Warcraft. Nothing says going after the Lich King than a power wheels!
Baby’s first get-away-cart
LARP cart
there’s always a boy inside a policeman…
Lord Humungus: The Early Years.