Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
It Original Engrish--This site occured 1996
Be vewy vewy quiet…
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© 1999 - 2024 Engrish.com. All rights reserved.
The Clinwese section ins over there
The spelt European correctly
Yes weican!
♫ We’re an Ameweican Brand. We come to you town. ♫
— Gwand Funk Waiwoad.
Anything by Walph Lauwen?
I before E except after W.
Spokesperson: Baba Wawa.
Designed by WOFL MAO
Is there something humewous about my fwiend’s name?
I hear Amweica is really nice this time of year. Plus it’s Wabbit season.
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That’s why the French have croissants.
Because they can’t pronounce bwead woll
@Algernon. As long as European, your kidneys are OK.
I found a rabbit in my fridge.
Me. What are you doing in my fridge
Rabbit. This is a Westinghouse isn’t it?
Me. Yes.
Rabbit. Well. I’m westing.
I get the Engrish. It should read Amerwican Bwand.
Me : Is it pronounced Hawaii or Havaii?
Haole: It is pronounced Havaii.
Me: Thank you.
Haole: You’re velcome.
Correcting, Amelican Bland Clothing
You wascally wabbit.
I am from the United Weights of Amawrica.
Gottverdammte! Thjat’s impossible to say. Try “Amerwica” instead
I Thought I Thaw That Hoodie At
A cute little girl goes into a pet shop, and goes up to the counter.
Shop assistant: Can I help you sweetie?
LG. I would like a wittle wabbit misther.
SA. Would you like a pink wabbit, a blue one , or a grey one?
LG. Hands on hips impatiently. Weally misther! I don’t think my pet Python could give a thit!
And the guy hurrying into the loo, well, he’s a Russian.
And the guy strolling out, he’s a Finnish.
– Who awe the wichest Amweicans?
– Wei-cans!
Be vewwy vewwy quiet… I’m hunting webates.
The boss of this section is a nice guy. I think he’s Woman.
Elmer Fudd is spinning in his gwave….
Because Americans weine
All items are authwentic!
Elmer Fudd seal of aproval.
Give it up for Wee Gweenwood everybody!
…I’m pwoud to be an Ameweican ♪♫
Where at weast I know I’m fwee!♪
Hong Kong, since it departed from the Land of Hope and Glowy
Fwee Woger!