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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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What? No neuropaths in roller chairs?
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Dementias under 1.4 meters high are allowed to swim undressed.
Swimming with Perambulators?
Neuropaths, psychopaths provided they’re under 1.4 meters high
This Engrish is cropped!
I had hoped to noise a lot and start a gang war inspired by superstitions, but even that is forbidden.
– But Officer, I’m not under 1.4 meters high, I’m just sitting in a perambulator!
I entered the park disguised as a tree, but everyone started cherishing me.
Skating in a lake, now there’s a novel idea.
When walking along neuropaths, beware of crumbling edges.
The driver/operator gives orders from his ass? I worked for a guy like that once.
Why don’t they just say: ‘Go Away!’?
You don’t need to protect me from lost… I’m one of
the people who actually like that show.
Plucking Flowers!
Definitely a spoonerism…
The swimming dressed knows… that they can’t enter Shuishang Park.
Throwing Peels. Billy Corgan’s first band.
“It is forbidden to hold a mass…”- so priests are forbidden to enter unless they are nude.
What to see my huge entertainment?
Mr Thorin Oakenshield has already broken several of these rules and will not be admitted.
Gang wars and art photos: the two great threats to modern civilization.
I recently finished reading ‘Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in My Armpit One Midsummer Morning’ but I think this one deserves the 1st Place.
Not one word about drugs and alcohol. There may be a way to salvage this trip yet.
But I really, really wanted to let my black cat ride a segway while gathering fruit! What’s the big deal?
@Seventy2rd – Clippy Cloppy!
@DrLex: While you were disguised as a tree, did anyone air on you?
After you read this, park is closed.
There’s no mention of hullabaloo. Lucky I brought mine with me!
15. Prohibition and any sign of tourism in Park area will be removed. 16. In case it dogs, do not to play dog in Park. 17. Using Apple products, sitting on park benches, entering entrances, washing dishes, opening Windows, watching sunset, driving, diving, raining, snowing, running, neuroswimming, pythoning, bearding, skating, worming, hiking, drawing, drowning, cooking, barking, microsofting, playing with friends and family, divorcing, merrying, using men’s or wemen’s toilet, prom dressing, entering children, and also: peeling/throwing/flying/talking to/looking for/referring to/enjoying/thinking of/eating/drinking/ or any other conspiracy with potatoes will have you decline. 18. The Ministry of Silly Walk forbids the silly walking… Read more »
They might as well have just posted a huge sign that says “DO NOT HAVE FUN.”
@iLock: Plowers need loving, too. They work hard!
No spitting, peeing or throwing peels without aiming.
Plucking Park!
‘no entrance for undisguised’. Damn, and i left my ‘V’ mask at home
May I use your park? I am a serial killer , who enjoys garrotting people under the cover of the trees.
Have a nice day. 😉
Rape, incest, and bestiality, permitted.
Well. At least not specifically prohibited.
The Shuishang Redemption… no quarrying
Get that arm and finger out of the way, and why didn’t they shoot the entire sign? Completely over the top…great comments.
@ iLock: No, no…you not speak English velly wells. Not clippy cloppy – clippet…clicketty click…clicket…housey housey…er, bingo! ;p
10. No…superstitions.
So take that, Falun Gong!
Not with a perambulator, but with a prerogative:
Swimming naked while disguised in a Nixon mask.
I came, I saw, I tl;dr
Sorry, you will have to take your Gang War somewhere else XD
Neuropaths, psychopaths, sociopaths, and telepaths not allowed on the garden paths.
Rolling chairs, a new invention created as a response to the concept of rocking chairs.
Am I the only one who thinks this looks fake? That arm definitely looks photoshopped, and it’s rather suspicious why nearly all of the spelling seems to be perfect as well…
No airing on trees or hedges? So we need to watch where we breathe? Also, no superstitions? So if you believe in any of that stuff you just can’t come in? It sounds like they are trying to cover up something supernatural to me. ;p “Oh you are entirely cynical to anything you can’t prove by hand based only on almost indisputable facts, well come right in! You on the other hand, I saw you glancing at that black cat nervously as it walked past.”
Only the flammable objects are allowed.
I disguised myself as a flammable superstition, but then I got banned.