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Too much nearing does that
Head stand too
Fall down carefully
That’s what happens if your digital watch has crappy software.
1. Watch David Cronenberg’s ‘Crash’
2. To avoid traffic accident, carefully flip over the cliff
I saw what you did there; could you do it again so I can take a video?
Oh, the guy’s name was Crash?
Careering by cliffs in Korea can kill!
Oh, might as well, it’s still better than American Idol.
Good grief! All it took was tripping over a rock to decapitate him.
Next crash in 45 seconds. Please stand by.
Watch Bieber
Reliable as Old Faithful, and more violent too!
32 feet per second^2 — It’s not just a good idea, it’s the law.
Poster for new movie: Crash Gordon.
Last screen you see when a virus attacks.
The government mandates viewing of “Korea’s Funniest Home Videos”
Yeah, that would be pretty hard on that guy’s Timex, I bet.
Or watch ‘Wile E. Coyote’
Carefully Fall of the Cliff, then Listen Bang
Carefully Fall off the Cliff, then Listen Bang
@Droll Not Troll: Crash just wants attention.
I guess it passes time while you are falling.
♫They scraped him off the rocks,
Like a blob of Mulberry Jam,
And he ain’t gonna climb no more♫
What a hell’va way to die,
And he aint gonna climb no more♪
They show drag racing in South Korea?
They decapitated him first, then threw him over a cliff to tenderize him, then fed him to the dogs.
See news: Execution of Kim Jong Un’s uncle. 🙁
It’s a subtle plug for Alex Jones.
Never mind the crash – watch core dump.
CAUTION: Heels over Head
#1 NASCAR rejected slogan
Human Cannonball foolish to overlook nearby cliff
Don’t worry everybody! He safely fell into a pool of water in the Engrish Brog…
The sign at the bottom of the cliff says “Watch Fall”.
When I told my friend Cliff that I wanna watch for Christmas…
Falling doesn’t hurt at all.
However. The stop at the end smarts like hell. 😮
Mum used to say: “Always wear clean underwear when you go out. You never know when you might have an accident.”
This guy did just that. He took his head off first, so’s he wouldn’t damage it by falling on it.
No thanks, I’d rather watch the bandicoot Crash.
Can you stop a second? I forgot my popcorn!
When Stickman crashes there’s just a pile of kindling.
Most entertaining any death.
Watch crash… Then experience one of your own.
Why did my GPS tell me to go here? I was only looking for a funeral.
Tired of JUST WATCHING crashes? Why not experience one on your own? Simply follow these instructions:
1. Drive off a cliff.
After executing these instructions, you will be experiencing a crash. Please report to us if you are dying, screaming in terror, or breaking every bone in your body.
If you want to avail of our new crash-improving product, THE METAL BALL, simply call 1-800-IDIOT today!