Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
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On the other hands…….
You’ve been warmed.
It feels so much better if you put them in the air inlet.
– Ah, here’s your hand, darling. But I wonder where are the others…
– Daddy, I see outlet people!
A Weili inside!!! If you put your hands in too much, you will go blind.
What like the new born baby
Weili well named
We weili mean it!
– But Officer, you told me to put my hands in the air!
May also be used as food processor.
@72nd. This Dutch bloke is learning English.
He thinks he will go over to England for the weekend to see how good his English is.
When he gets there, it is the first day of spring and there is not a cloud in the sky.
The first person he sees is a policeman, to whom he says.” It is a beautiful day, is it not?”
The policeman feels a bit frisky on such a beautiful day and says: “Ah! Spring in ze air.”
The Dutch bloke replies: “BUT Mynheer! Vy should I?”
Nobody expects the air condition inquisition
Sori tumas. springen zie(De) = you jump.
@72rd that is (typo)
I have an exuse mate. It is 1.55AM in Brissie. And I am drinking coffee laced with good scotch. (Single malt of course. :P)
AH! I see the Engrish. It should be udders not others.
That would be the funniest thing since my granny got her tit caught in the wringer.
Honey, I lost the kids…in the air outlet!
So putting your mother-in-law in there is out of the question?
♫You put your left hand in,
You put your left hand out,
You put your left hand in,
And shake it all about,
You do the hokey pokey♫
@ Vulcan. My mother in law died in a fire recently.
The coroner said she died from smoke exhalation.
@ Marum: Outlet sale: 50% Off Spring
I hear a humming, get out of my Weili!
Ming Ming put his other in the air outlet and got a BJ.
@ Tong: The weili inside isn’t the real problem, it’s the fan-i.
Weili I’ll be a monkeys uncle!
Wily systems! Manafacturing robots since 20XX!
Put your hands in the air outlet!
Wave ’em like you just don’t care!
NOTE: To empty the outlet, remove the air and rise the prices