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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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WTF :-#
Unicycle? 😀
I get it. It’s one of those bicycles where you lay down to piddle.:-*
He rode his motorcycle too fast.
Q.How do you start a fie in the forest without a match?
A. You go with a friend, and rub two Girl Guides together. 😈
It must hrt, when you go over the handlebars, and your nuts try to fit through that little gap, between the Speedo, and the Tacho.
This space is reserved for those who fell off their motorcycles.
Hey, that’s not where you wear a motorcycle helmet!
Born to be wheeled.
Invalid command. Please override.
He was going down the hill,
Doing 90 miles an hour,
When the chain on his bicycle broke,
He ws found in the grass,
With a sprocket in his pocket,
And the bell in his left earhole.
@ Marum: I heard about a smart cookie who was selling Girl Guides. 😛
WARNING: For Motorheads only
The local bike lives here. “-o
@DNT. I may be a good place to wear the helmet, if you have been eating Service Station food.
@Marum: Verses from The Wreck of the Old 97cc?
With one wheel
@DNT good one about the Girl guides.
In PNG long Taim bilong Masta, some of the schools had a fundraising for the Red Cross.
Most of the girls raised a few hundred dollars at most. These two girls had raised nearly $4000.00 between them.
They were called on stage. At this point, most of the single men were looking somewhat furtive, and not a few of the married ones.
The emcee (longlong waitman) asked them how they did it.
”Toilet Angels”?
@Tong. Then I can only guess, as to where the spokes went.
Short Explanation:
Motorcycle – A vehicle for invalid person
Bicycle – A vehicle for bisexual person
Motordyke – A vehicle for homosexual person of the opposite sex
Parking for Harley Disabledson.
Part two.
Tricycle =transport for the three sexes (He she and it)
dirtbike = Don’t ask.
quad bike = For shemales.
trick bike = For prostitutes.
BMX bike = For the S & M people.
racing bike = For the xenophobes.
a 28″ bike – Beyond your wildest dreams
>Drive ♿
>Drive C:/
I see the Chinese have found how to get out of a Warsaw ghetto.
You lash a few Poles together.
@ Droll not Troll: & Harley Parkin’son.
And Clancy you must wheel them,
Try to wheel them on the wing,
Ride boldly lad,
And never fear the spills.(AB{banjo} Patterson). :-X
Hell’s Grannies.
♫”O Lord won’t you buy me a new purple Buell,
My friends all ride Harleys,
I must not look a fool♪.
For everyone who lost their wheelchair license
Where does the wheelchair ramp mount on the motorbike?
The kind of motorcycle you have to dodge frequently in the aisles at Walmart.
Handicapped spaces for motorcycles makes as much sense as Braille on a drive-up ATM.
My hovercraft is full of wheels
When you are through with your donorcycle, we can have you popping wheelies on your brand new wheelchair.
The Grateful Half-Dead
Woah! Where am I? The wheelchairs are motorcycles and
citrus fruits can speak!?
The Chinese ExciteBike game for the Famicom: now featuring wheelchairs as motorbokes!
be allot funnier if it said “toilet”