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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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The daintiness of a destroyer. Munificent
Safety, but only slightly. We wouldn’t want to take away all the fun of choking on little parts.
A teaching “fairyland”?
“In the navy
Yes, you can sail the seven seas
In the navy
Yes, you can put your mind at ease…”.
AVOID NAIL AND TEETH – It is parts enough for family suffocation, and bowl nonfunction.Make a 3D supper repetition,over and over and over again. Providn’t any the dangerously.
Ship on drugs
These are the voyages of the warship Fairy.
The sheep instructions are fairy nough
Haha, whoever wrote this was trying really hard to sound educated, and all his buddies that can’t speak English were like “Yeah, that sounds great!” Facepalm over and over and over…
I reckon that there ship puzzle’ll develop them kids imaginations. Mmmm-hmm.
This ship must look like veritable. If it looks like any other kind of table, you’re doing it wrong.
Fairyland? This must be a do-it-your-elf kit.
Use hand and head. Teach your kid to be a ship head.
Well! That should be enough firepower to stop Raggedy Anne sitting on Pinnochio’s face.
Good for your children’s imaginations. Yes indeed. They can imagine using naval guns, to fragment their fellow man.
Q. How do you get on board a naval ship?
A. You go to the edge of the wharf, and catch a fairy across.
– A delightful lyrics
– A sheep fiction is very interesting
– Sea piglet rising and falling in front of the fairy
Destroyer…..damn near killed her.
I like the degree of difficulty.
It is like the five blondes celebrating in a pub lounge. They are giving high-fives and buying rounds if drinks.
The barman asks: “What are you girls celebrating?”
One blonde replies: ‘We just completed a crossword.’
Barman: “It must have been a difficult one then?”
Blonde: ‘It said 3 – 5 years on the box, and we did it in six months.’
HELL!!! Jigsaw. (Duhh)
Yes, of course.
Nothing could be more dainty, than a five inch round of high-explosive, landing on your foredeck.
Bonus language puzzle on every box.
Ship named after girl I knew.
She didn’t drink, smoke Norfolk.
Now witness the daintiness of this fully assemblaged and munificent battle station!
– Cap’n! A very hairy fairy tail a head of ferry! Easily a 10-nuts-merry!
Teach your children the proud traditions of the navy.
Rum, sodomy, and the lash. (Winston Churchill)
From the guns on the foredeck, it looks like a Type 42 Class Destroyer.
(search: HMAS Manchester, or Liverpool)
Do you have a fairyland on this ship Cap’n?
Well. The head is up the pointy end.
Flash! Fairyland Hammered By Frigate With 8 Inch Gun! Film at 11.
The Bismarck was built because the Germans wanted to get to Fairyland
Now I understand why boys don’t like school. They don’t want to be a sissy and go to the teaching fairyland.
You don’t need any assist tools to complete thispuzzle, just think happy thoughts! And maybe some of Tinker Bell’s dust…
The fairyland here sounds great. I wonder if I could use it to catch sushi?
See, now, THAT is Engrish!
In teaching fairyland your child learns how to use magic.
Then, *poof*, SHIP HAPPENS!
@Marum: LOL! You f*cked up a blonde joke? Oh, the irony! 😀
Degree of Engrish-reading difficulty: ★★★★
Hey there sailor, mind if a dainty fairy comes abroad the poop deck?
@DNT And I’m not blonde either. 🙂 🙂
teach kids fairyland, bring freedom with bombs
Dainty parts? Bet they don’t give a ship either.
Fairyland with guns. This must be Artemis Fowl merchandise.