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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
Glorious lawn thanks you
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Oh blessed grasses
Amy Winehouse – Rehab
♫ They tried to keep me off the grasses
so they can get a glory into my sight ♫
Keep off the grasses.
Go down into internet hole.
And get a glory into Engrish websight.
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the keeping off the grasses.
Step One: We admitted we were a sign.
Getting your morning glory into sight could bring you a whole new set of problems, grasses or no grasses.
♫ Mine eyes have seen the Glory of the Sign upon the Grass.
You’ve trampled on the seedlings and you better watch your ass. ♫
Glory hole instruction book.
Keep off the grasses — and out of the twelve-step program.
Get off my lawn or I’ll get you in my sights and blow you to glory!
The 13th step.
My sight is short, I wear grasses but I never see the glory
Ah, glory… *sights*
Glory stood on high, but not with this grass
Can I get a glory into this sign and Gloria into my sight?
“Oh my darling. How I’ve missed you.” She said as she reloaded.
I once got my glory into sight. It got me arrested for public indecency.
Glorious China needs glorious grass. They want to impress the Blitish with it!
I sat on my grasses and couldn’t see a thing until they were replaced.
My friend was taken into glory by the state police when he accidentally stepped on the grasses.
You mean gloriesses
Simplest religion on earth: Don’t touch that specific areas grass and eternal glory is yours.
For glory is to the man who won’t stepeth on their grasses.
“Please” would have been enough