Wish to a visitor
posted on 24 Sep 2013 in Signs
Just do your job, yo!
Photo courtesy of Sebastian Cordoba.
Found in bathroom of convenience store in Osaka, Japan.
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Does it take two to poo
I usually wish for money.
I don,t need a toilet companion yo.
Hey errbody, I’m bout to use the bathroom yo!
Take the position,
let contents of bowels fall into toilet carefully.
Hey Ho, let’s yo!
It is careful enough about toilet cleaning maintenance if dirt etc. or it gets, oh YOU know, the hose again or whatever!
If dirt etc, carefully etc.
Bus now leaving for Anaheim, Azusa and Cucamonga, yo!
Please announce mah WHAT?
“…If dirt etc should have a point of companion mind…”.
So if your mind is in the toilet this is the place for you?
Wish to a sign should have a point
This is a public service announcement.
I am careful when cleaning the toilet.
Thank you for your attention.
A companion with a dirty mind? YO!
I ain’t no need companion, yo!
You mean, if I use this toilet I get to make a wish?
Yo-loo. (you only lavatory once ONCE!)
Clean up, yo bi*** ! (Jesse Pinkman edition)
Yo Dawg! I thought I got THREE wishes when I rubbed the toilet….
Melting point… boiling point… companion mind point! If you discover the latter, please announce yo, Nobel prize in Physics is waiting for you.
The potty mouthers, a new rap group that explores the secrets and intricacies of the world of toilet cleaning.
Zen hip-hop janitors.
Yo can’t be too careful, but that’s only my point of view.
Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of Rum.
Where’s yo bin.
Ah’s bin screwin. Where’s yo bin.
Yo toilet so fat…
“Yo, Adrian, we did it”,
Would a thunderous fart be sufficient announcement?
The Companion Mind.
We are the Borg.
Yo man, this bathroom is wack…Can you hold ‘this’ for me a sec?
Yo! This toilet needs some cleaning.
Imma let you finish… but my stall is the one of the cleanest stalls of all time.
Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to poop we yo….
This a wishing bowl?