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Catholic prawns
Fryday is referring to fish and chips or hell?
X-Mass coming soon
For me, every day is, like, Thurstday
Fryday Mass: Purgatory Preparation 101.
Sunday may be a day of rest, but on Fryday, the faithful all have to wok.
Don’t forget your sunscreen.
What time is Benderday Mass?
And for those who are in a hurry, there’s Sautéday Mass.
Mmmm! Crunchy body of Christ!
I’m only here for the BINGO.
Reach Heaven sooner with abundance of all our fry food!
In Japan, they serve sushi and tempura during the Holy Communion.
Sunday’s Mass was 107.8 kg.
♫ He did the Mass.
He did the Fryday Mass.
It caught on in a flash… ♫
Fryday Body Mass Index: FAT!
It’s a flesh, worm day – perfect for a Flyday Mass
Well obviously it’s a fish fry.
Fryday the 13th: Crispmass in Hele with Urinesmele
Fryday Mass- Praise the Lard!
Our Father, which art in Heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy order comes,
Thy will be done.
Give us this day our burgers with a large fry & a Coke,
And forgive us our gluttony
As we forgive them that try to steal our fries.
And lead us not into coronaries,
But deliver us to fire-grilled goodness.
The Rayn in Spayn Stays Maynly on the Playn
Q. What is the difference between a Catholic priest and Acne?
A. Acne doesn’t usually come on your face until you are sixteen.
What’sa da day Tojo?
Its Fliday you gleek plick.
Jesus said “follow me and I will make you managers of fish. And friars of chips.”
“Are you the fish Friar.”
‘No. I’m the chip Monk.’
This sounds just like one big mass.
“this is the body of Christ, rolled in bread crumbs and deep fried to a golden brown…”
Yes, Fryday was a Mess
Then they pray that the tempura, rice and the Holy nori are formed as the Holy Ebiten Maki. All in one flesh.
You’ll be frying high all the way to Heaven.
Okay so.
That’s actually extremely perceptive.
Tempura-frying is the Japanese adaptation of portugese-style fish frying introduced by Jesuit missionaries. The name comes somehow from the whole eating-only-fish-on-friday old Catholic fast day thing.
(This info comes from Alton Brown, so it’s probably legit).
So Friday really is tempura day.
Trying something new with the bread and wine.
♫♫It’s Fryday! Fryday! Gotta take mass on Fryday! Everybody’s gettin’ saved before the weekend…♫♫