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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
Three texts cure/many privates
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Butter many privates and then swallow the idea powder. Sounds like a great Saturday night!
Well butter mine
Can I have Lone Star State fried rice?
The privates of many nations … and rice
I have an idea: Coke!
Live to fry. Fry to live.
Now that we’re here Bonaparte, you got any idea powder that will get us OUT of Russia?
I don’t think the cure did much for the thin cow.
Waiter! That writing desk just swallowed my fish!
@jjhitt: Wait till you see its privates. 😛
Three text cure: Crack Cocaine Horse
Only three texts? Then why am I taking all these antibiotics? Honey, send me three SMS, then come over here!
And this is the fourth text cure.
FBI – Fish Bureau Ideas
What the f—?
And now to conclude our Bible study, the thin cow will choose three texts: the one about the dever, the one about the boils, and the one about the flies.
Napoleon fries the idea powder. Now we know what he ate for petit dejeuner during all those years on St. Helena.
State fried rice, with a side plate of the people’s prawn crackers.
I would only order the fried rice of Indonesia because it is the only dish that I could comprehend.
‘Nepoleon! That idea powder ready yet?’ ‘Oui, Chef!’
France, many privates…nuff said!
Fish Ideas: that’s a deep subject.
The cow is thin from providing the cream to butter all those privates.
As seen in ‘Privates of the Caribbean”
Thousand enrich the special features…. Some director finally
gave all those film extras their a chance to be interviewed for the DVD.
Three texts cure/many privates?
I guess you can ‘sext’ with the waitress here.
Get the butter.
Frying beef rice, it’s the story of my life.
@WorrierPrincess: Last tango in Shanghai.
Translated by a senior officer at Google translate. Enjoy your idea text in private with powder.
The General butters many Privates and tells them they butter not tell anyone.
The FBI is a crack whore. Who knew?
Elan Sel’Sabagno: “You wanna buy some idea powder?”
Obi-Wan: “You don’t want to sell me idea powder.”
Elan Sel’Sabagno: “I don’t wanna sell you idea powder.”
Obi-Wan: “You want to go home and rethink your life.”
Elan Sel’Sabagno: “I wanna go home and rethink my life.”
Fried rice – Texas style!
Shouldn’t the 3rd one say “French many privates”?
Read War and Peace, In Search of Lost Time and Atlas Shrugged and call me in the morning.
You should see our degustation menu.
Amelican texting for idea powder: No transrate, having peeksha menu significant!
Three texts and many privates… I think Anthony Weiner had a hand in this.
I heard of a nun who ordered the Many privates.
She went stalk staring crazy.
I also know why the tin cow wears a bell.
Because its horns don’t work.
Mc Fu–aulds Menu
One French, one round the word, one doggy style.
Do you want fellatio with that?
If this means you are intending to tattoo the Three Texts on my privates….I invite you to just try.
If you survive the first five tortures, of the three texts, and the many privates, at the discretion of the Emperor, the chief executioner will unleash the next eight upon you.
Paula Dean says try her new line of Chinese State-Sanctioned specialties! You’ll love the Bureau Country Chicken and Rice. Don’t miss out on delicious State Fried Rice, or the the Bureau’s Minced Meat Idea Power – It’s brain food!! Don’t forget, with all these recipes you’ll need plenty of butter!
Nepoleon lives the fried rice of Indionesa. Serve with privates.
in Engrish, Saving private Ryan becomes
Shaving Ryan’s privates.
Gives a whole new meaning to the term “Butterball.”
Online-translated texts cure the whole Engrish Army!
– Ready, Private?! BUTT-ER!!!
– Yessir! I’ll do my best, Sir!