Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Trick or treat — I have to go
Oh, it was? Now you tell me!
should have told me before
Batman – please use the toilet provided!
Business idea: rent Winnie the Pooh costumes next door.
What a better place for cosplay
We’ve turned it into a playcenter now
Where people turn into Scotsmen
Daddy in, Santa out
Man in Superman costume, “I can’t take off! What’s going on?!”
Hotel staff, “Sir, your fly is undone.”
– Mommy, I had to pee!
Furries can wash their Fursuits here.
Where’s the cos-urinal?
Careful going to the bathroom! They’re having a ball in there!
“I thought it was a costume ball.”
It was, until they became a drag…
This restroom WAS for costumers only.
Now that it’s no longer Halloween, it’s closed down.
I’m telling you, we are the X-Men! For real!!!
But then the neighbors started complaining about all the furries.
I’m dressed as the toilet.
It was a costumers-only restroom…until the men started dressing like firefighters and tried to see how high they could put out a “fire”.
“You costumer?”
“Yes, I’m Edith Head.”
“Head?! No, we have none of that here, you go now!”
…we apologize for the incontinence.
It was for customers only.
Now, any riffraff can use it.
It is actually a drinking trough, masquerading as a urinal.
For trick or treat, we have carefully supercooled the water in the bidet
To celebrate the occasion, I have come cunningulusly disguised as a muff diver.
Is it okay for fancy dress balls?
It was, until we discovered the typo (and as such: the source of all the pee on the floor). Sorry for the inconvenience all that time, customers!
Don’t see many phone booths any more, Super Man has to change in the crapper.
Sorry for the incognito.
Hey, which one of you bastards dried their hands on my cape?!
How any non-cosplayer at a convention feels.
So your employees have to go accross the street then?
AKA the bathroom sign at the anime convention.
But now anyperson with makeup on can us it.