Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
It Original Engrish--This site occured 1996
Interspecies relations will not be tolerated
posted on 14 Jun 2013 in Signs
The euthanasia will continue until morale improves…
Photo courtesy of NoReason.
Found at pet shop in Japan.
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What a tickle
They have nightmares every night about the CatDog series.
Can I just hello kitty?
CAUTION: But carefully when there is puppy, and kitten that hates it
Insert leg to determine whether puppy likes you.
Schrödinger’s cog: What, exactly, is in the box?
Yes, please call us. We can’t wait to see this. Thanks. The Staff
Just what is this “it”, anyway?
Just call ”Confuse-A-Cat, Ltd.”
Then they get the hose again.
The garden hose.
The puppy and kitty likes it! Hey Mikey!
Indifferent pets are half price.
– Call the next deaf-end-ant!
This is just so…wrong!
And they call it Puppy Love….Guess I’d never know..
Please send the staff an email
when there is a guinea pig or ferret
that feels indifferently about it.
The puppy likes it but the cat is disinterested. Who do I call?
I believe this is animal youth-in-Asia.
Very few of our animals like the staff. All of them hate customers.
Well! I’ll be buggared.
Also. Romping on the bed with aliens, is frowned upon.
in other news, hsing hsing and ling ling have broken up in china, citing irreconcilable differences. hsing hsing was spotted by the tabloids a week ago hanging around with fido last week. more on this at eleven.
To collect, shout Bingo! and hold your hand above your head.
…and the product would be: a kuppy?…a pitten?
…and don’t worry, you can always pin it on one of the orphaned pets.
Collect up to 1% of the video royalties.
The staff has clearly been hated by every puppy or kitten they ever go near. As a result the staff really wants to know if any of the animals change their mind and start to like them.