Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Bring Love Engrish
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posted on 20 May 2013 in Engrish from Other Countries
A lot of blood sweat and tears went into that meal…
Photo courtesy of Melanie Brinkman.
From a buffet in Cancun, Mexico.
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© 1999 - 2025 Engrish.com. All rights reserved.
Where the secret ingredient is you.
Just stew in it for a minute.
Oh the loving spoonful
My juice is your juice
That’s why you shouldn’t let Commies pollute your precious bodily fluids.
I’m sorry. Your test came back positive.
Gumaro de Dios taught us the recipe.
(Today’s AdWords placement: Bisquick es mucho mas…)
– Nice to meat you, Juice
They ran out of Cream of Sum Yung Guy.
If anyone wants me, I’ll be in the kitchen. I like to pull my weight.
– Waiter! Is there a meat in my juice?!
– No Sir, it snot!
What colour juice do you want with your port, sir? Clear, green or yellow?
I’m Bear Grills and I approve this message.
To Serve Man.
wondered why it was so painful to piss today
Apparently, water isn’t the only thing you shouldn’t drink while in Mexico. 🙂
Everyone likes the taste of their own juice.
Not as bad as if it were the other way round
Does that mean I get a discount?
@coffeebot: Oh yes. 😈
♫Grab yourself a can of pork soda
You’ll be feeling just fine♪
Ain’t nothin’ quite like sittin’ ’round the house
Swillin’ down them Cans of swine♫
You can call it ‘Pork Sword’ for short 😉
Definitely Sperman’s favorite
If it looks a bit dry see a doctor
For those who don’t know Spanish: “Su” can mean “your,” “his,” “her,” “its,” or “their.” I assume they meant pork loin in its own juice.
Is that a pork loin in your juice or am I just happy to see you?
My father-in-law also added: “People urine for it” and “It’s not gravy”
in before soviet russia joke
@Lollerskate: If it’s short, nobody’s interested. 😛
Is it just me, or does it look like some mighty big bugs crawled under that paper and died?
@Droll not Troll: You know what they say: ‘I’m a grower, not a shower!’
so THAT’S what the DNA sample you took was for!