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Must be our new tanning beds
People is the new Black
Some people are just slaves to the beauty industry.
Yellow in, Black out
Some of my best friends are customers.
♪ ♫
We wish you a merry crispness ♪ ♫
They also produce great Blues
I prefer my tanning rare.
“Boss, I have set the timers to 15 minutes.”
“Fool! Those are not timers, those are level settings!”
– Mommy! I see black people!
No Irish.
After I was done there the cab drivers would not pick me up!
I was actually looking for Orange People.
Jack, Karen, Claudia and Sirius?
Come with free afro texture!
Sir, would you like to be served with Teriyaki sauce?
The orange people are in New Jersey.
World’s most redundant tanning salon.
@Frank Burns: “Don’t just lay there gettin’ a suntan. Won’t do you no good anyhow.”
Best quality boot polish used
I don’t have time to be black. Can you make me a Latino.
That’s not a tanning booth, it’s a microwave oven.
Can you do me from just the waist down?
Black touches yellow… kills a fellow
hi, do you do discounts for oreos?
you have leveled up. please pick an attribute to increase:
-grape drank
I imagine black people would not have a fat lot of use for this.
Who said: “black people are equal”, from what I’ve seen, they are MORE than equal.
Melanomas installed while you wait.
Black is the new white.
You’rr be back in brack in ress than an houl
Well, the Japanese are known for taking things to extremes.
Tired of being pasty, cracker?
Our salon will make you blacker,
Love life dull and lacking vigour?
You’d do better as a…
Shanghai Soul food
“燒” means grill
Does it work in reverse? I’m sure there would be demand for that.