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The only thing being stitched up here is the customer.
Rather it enhances Fashionable Life
Deduction tells me that clothes sewn with this kit will not be fashionable.
Inseparable king bird is inseparable because it is held together with paperclips.
New style packaging of old style tools for ejecting stuck floppy disks from Macintosh computers.
For advanced sewage enthusiast
Looks like a “clip joint” to me.
Paperclips. That’s about what my itemized personal deductions were worth this year.
“I am the King Bird and I can do anything.”
Classic or Fashionable, which is it gonna be?
Very DIY…
The inseparable King Bird is the ex-husband of the divorced Queen Bee
New-style packaging is to blame for horse meat debacle
Somehow this seems oddly appropriate.
The bird may be inseparable, but the product is inscrutable.
@jjhitt: neither of both: Inseparable.
Hey, that looks made for me!
I’ve always found staples to work in a pinch.
Fashion for punks
For visually impaired. Putting a thread through is now a piece of cake.
I think I’d want to refresh my knowledge of the tax code before taking that particular deduction.
NEW! MacGyver’s Sewing Kit: A classic household article for all your house necessaries!
I saw an ad in the Brissie papers one day.
WANTED: Female sewer.
I’m still wondering.
Not much a deduction.
Thankfully, not much of a taxable benefit either.
“For they have sown the inseparable bird, and now they shall reap the paperclip””
You can see how effective this kit is at the bottom of the package. Kings or not, those birds aren’t separating!
Deduct you fashionable life, add to your savings!
I don’t think you can deduct that. …You might be able to write it off!
It’s actually a sewing kit for paper dolls. How else are they going to keep their clothes on?
I found my fashionable life was not deductible.
WAY better then the old packaging
Oh wow, a cheap Chinese sewing kit….sew what?
Where’s the needles? D:
Deduct one fashionable life for my inseparable king bird please.