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Reduce the earthquake and eliminate foot tsunamis!
– Hi, Poly! Expertshuang jiao banshoe mat!
Swcat of absorbs? Is that a tarot card?
I hope that the hi-poly will not reduce the quake of a good kick applied to the bottom of the shuo jiang ba expert who translated with meticulous care.
With exception of swcat, it seems to be a paret thing
So I left the foot department / got myself a sweaty shoe
Hi, Poly. Watch out for the swcat, it wants to eat you!
my fcet are so swcet smelling
Damn, I sprained my earthquake again
Is it for foot viruses or smells
STURGEON GENERAL WARMING: Materialof Hi-POLY causes cancre.
Failure to update anti-virus protections may result in earthquake or failure of reservoir tip.
Don’t know about most folks, but I usually take my shoes off before pleasing the usage cave.
See also our ‘Hello Kitty’ product, which does not just drastically reduce meteor crashes and alien attacks but can be also effectively used against hangover!
A distant journey of a thousand miles begins with the Foot Department. They care.
Why didn’t they use these in Haiti recently?
Hi-Poly! Wanna cracker? Huh? Waddaya mean, “Crack her yourself. You brought her here.”? You better watch it, pal, or you’ll be on the menu tonight along with the road-kill special.
Yeah, what they said!
I normally use Hi-Norton deodorization technique.
I love it how the picture with the epicenter graphic goes so well with the earthquake text. That’s some high-tech chinese nanomdter technology!
NOTE: In case of a strong odor or virus, just open the Windows
That’s a whole lot of soul.
I installed two pairs of anti-virus and now my computer is less smelly!
Imports the materialof. Aha! It’s soviet made.
Announcemcnts: ‘Hello Sailor’ foot cares – coming soon to a Suck Ho bldg near you
Hi-Poly for the hoi polloi?
Buy now! Not only will your feet not stink, but neither will your swcat! Also, cures flu, prevents earthquakes, and can solve the healthcare crisis. Try now and we’ll throw in a nice shoe mat…For best results, while pleasing the usage, alternate with both hands; cave and concave face to the top to strengthen the result!
What happens when the nano-tubes finally fill up with gunk? They will probably smell like a farting horse.
@DnT Foot tsunamis are not a problem. When they are more than ten foot, then they become a pain in the nanomdtres.
And I thought the yanks were full of BS in their advertising.
After we have bored you into a coma with our advertising, we will painlessly extract your Credit Card, and sell you this bloody junk.
The longest journey starts with a single nanomdter.
(Thoughts of Mao Tse Dung)
As you can see. Our bureau for the distribution of unprdndnceable wdrds is functioning at full incomprehensibility.
We tried to get an interview with the minister for Bureau of Incomprehensibility, but he was not talking to the press. It appears he fractured his jaw, trying to pronoounce a word with a quadruple consonant.
Nanomdter sure absorbs swcat
shuang jiao ban! the shoe mat expert!!
Target practice.
I feel nanodmter hi tech shoe thats cool
Hi poly! I’m so glad that your product has combinative high-tech nanomdter techinque! I wouldn’t dream of buying it if it failed in this most important area. I have a cat I’d like absorbed but it is not any Sw cat, will this product work on any old cat? Any product that can absorb a cat and reduce earthquakes has my vote!
Will be a nice change from my earthquake-causing doc martins