Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish.com - Because of Monkeys
I would like to order a food.
Dr Moreau’s table manners were strict but fair…
Photo courtesy of Stephen Oertwig.
Found at a Korean grocery store in Honolulu.
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Use your chicken claw instead.
Come and see the food testing area, watch out for the bears!
Bears’ hands have taste buds? Isn’t nature wonderful!
When picking up food, use a pair of tongues.
No problem. I’m used to taste a food with my mouth anyway.
But they told me this is a Supper Market!
I cannot bare these restrictions!
Also, please do not taste a drink with your anteater snout.
Don’t worry, I’m anti-virus
Hey, BooBoo!
But the bears are grumpy enough from waking up during hibernation, they might decide to taste a people instead! :-O
Does a food bare in the woods?
So teach the bears to use chop sticks then.
I was going to stop by the bakery department for some bear claws, but now I don’t know.
What, the fork?
I support the right to bear arms …. and hands.
I’m so hungry I need a food six-pack.
Use your bear feet instead
Why must you embearass me in public?
Wasn’t it Goldilocks who tried on the three bears?
Well, in this place they can many bears.
Dare to be bare or bear or whatever.
Can I use a paw?
Do they mean “bare” or “beer” hand???
Also keep your bear bottom decently clothed
In case of fued, I would always use my bear hand.
About tasting and Taste-buds.
In Biology Class they were assessing the glucose content of human sperm. Eventually one of the girls asked the Professor. “How come it doesn’t taste sweet then?” Then stated blushing madly when she realized what she had just said.
The Professor lifted his head out of the papers he was marking, looked over the top of his glasses, and answered. ‘Your taste buds for sweet are at the front of your tongue, not at the back.’
Never argue table manners with a bear.
My paw said I could.
I have a right to bear arms!
Do you have any Grylled food I could eat with my bear hand?
Ouch. Too late!
They got rid of this after the strange case of a certain “smarter than the average bear” got killed.
And about time!
Okay, ill just use my bear mouth instead.
Please, feel free to use your hulk fists but no bear hands.
Hey, you can’t infringe on our right to bear arms! Bears are citizens too, no need to persecute their hairy, clawed hands!