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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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If tickets aren’t purchasable, Pleaze Oder Meal Tickets from Staff.
The bending machine stinks!
what’s on the menu…yogart?
The bending machine, the place where the harsh tourists are sent to learn how to properly bow before japanese people.
Where’s the sitting down machine to go?
Today we’re dining at Planet Express.
After being bent by the bending machine, pleaze place your plea for help by pushing the button.
If you want a fishy oder, Pleae buy the meal tickets from Zoidberg.
It will be my pleazure.
I will be bery bery pleazed to buy ticket from honourable bending machine.
…. or pull my finger.
O’name wa honourable bending machine.
NOTE: If you don’t need our help, just button your fly. Puh-leeze!
I prezzed the button, but all it did was squeal, and have an orgazm.
Yo, machine! Bend THIS! Know what ah’m sayin’?
It oders from the bending machine or it gets . . . oh, YOU know!
It’s a taco machine!
For table napkins, pleae go to the folding machine.
To Oda, Please bend here to get your meal tickets.
I won’t bend over unress you say pletty prease.
You want a meal ticket? Bite my zhiny metal azz!
Water bending is automated now?
– Wir wollen ein Auto mieten, bitte. Oder….!
@72rd. Ein Verkaufsautomat zu vermieten. Oder was?
Meowwrr….Marum.(Die schachspielen Katze)
So! Oder Worter ähnliche Bedeutung.
Yowwwrrr?….Marum.(Die lateralesdenke Katze)
With our new Bending Machine, we’ve automated screwing the customers.
One large step forward for Japan, three steps backward for the rest of the world.
Bender’s weekend job.
Bending machine told me to bie his shiny metal as!
To please, bend yourself in front of the spanking machine.
For a ticket, please stand behind the Oder–Neisse line
Now where do I send the money for the straightening machine?
“Pleaze push the button if you need our help.”
In other words: Push the button to “nuke” your meal…
To oder really well, pleae buy the beans and franks tickets.
Your consonants are not consistent
Do we have to kiss its shiny metal ass?
Please buy the meal tickets from a river in Poland.
Ang’s second job.
Bend over and Im gonna give you some food!
Also please push the button if you need some lube for the bending machine!
Yor ticketz will be slighly bnt by the machie – this iz pefectly nomal.