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It is a sure sign that you had too much to drink. You will also be charged for the theft of a car.
I love drinking cars!
sadly they take forever to make though.
OK, then give me one occasion where I should drink a car.
Drinking cars they’re just so fluid.
A sound advice – the effects of mixing alcohol and a car are unknown. Drink a car at your own risk.
Is it an offence if I drink the windshield wiper fluid while sober? It often contains alcohol…
Under the influence of alcohol, I doubt that I could even say Hyundai.
@DrLex: It’ll clean the bugs out of your system.
Bartender! I ordered a Rusty Nail, not a rusty Nissan!
Just drive a bear!
Drinking Russian cars can get you in a Lada trouble.
– What would it be, Sir?
– A screwdriver and a Pinto.
You can Have your car and Drink it.
I’m so thirsty I could drink a… oh, wait.
If you’re carful, eat a Taxi
That Corvette… She drinks me crazy!
On Top Gear they managed to fill cars with water. Filling them with beer is the next logical step. It takes “drink and drive” to another level.
Go easy on the CABernet!
(Thanks for the idea, 72rd.)
Wait, is this rule for when I am under the influence or the car is under the influence?
Dang! Someone chugged my top alcohol dragster.
Cars give me gas!
– Would you care for a car?
– No thank you. I’ll lose my drinking license.
Honnesht offisher. I shwear it wuz unleaded
Fuel injection? I remember when cars had carbeerators.
My name is Ford Pinto and I’m an alcoholic…
Introducing the new Mazda Margarita…
If you followed someone in the car, does that make it a chaser?
I’ve heard of a medical condition called “auto intoxication”, but this is ridiculous!
– Please step out of the vehicle. You’ll take an exhaust-gas test.
– Give me something strong, please.
– A double Car Crash on the rocks, as usual?
issh illegal to drive while driven
And do not try driving a Martini
Sir, you are under arrest. Your reading is, 1car.05, which means you are 1 car over the limit. Consider yourself lucky, normally drinking this much you’d be dead.
Alcohol and petrold do mix. It just tastes lousy.
Excellent advice, sir!
Wow, those new DUI laws are confusing…
@GwndionM My other car is an Aston Martini.
My first car is an Alpha Romeo Intoxia.
It breaks down so often it drives me to drink.
Is it o.k. to sip quietly on a little motorcycle?
@Salome A cup of tea and a lawnmower, goes well for smoko.
Hmm! Or maybe a Lawnmower and a bikkie.
@ Marum: It’s always time for a VB- a Victa Bronco.
how do you even drink a car? what i don’t even *laughing to self*
Suddenly, ordering an Irish Car Bomb makes a lot more sense.
@Seventy2rd o clock: You know where you can stick that tube! 😛
Did I ever tell you about the time Cutter and I bought a Cadillac….I drank it!
-no, it’s a convertible, but thanks for noticing!
So then could I drive alcohol under the influence of a car ??
I’ll admit, I had to take a bus home last night, but can’t remember were I parked it.
I love vodka flavoured cars