Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Wear at own risk
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50% sack cloth and hair shirt
Wash before it’s too late.
– 50% Polyester and 50% Alcohol, and I’ll buy ’em all
Professor Schrodinger, your shirts are ready…… or maybe not.
Betcha it’s lead.
50% of this shirt is definitely made of something, as far as we know.
“Hey, boss – we ran out of cotton – can we use pig intestines instead?”
Warning: May contain nuts or soy.
We don’t know everything man, we just make them.
100 % Stuff
It used to be 50% virgin wool, but the wool supply is unreliable, so sometimes it’s just 50% virgin.
50% Blood, Sweat and Tears of child slaves.
NB: When we say Tears, we mean human eye secretions,
NOT rips, there should be NO rips in our clothes.
We crack the whips hard to ensure that does not happen!
Guaranteed to cause cancer in California.
Our factories’ motto: We 50% don’t give a f@ck!
Wash before first use. Really. If you don’t, we will have to tell you wat the 50% undetermined really is.
50% random rodents that happened to be scurrying around in our factory and that were the easiest to catch.
We are the 50% ….. who aren’t sure who we’re going to vote for.
“The first part of our domination plan has been successful. We mixed alien tissue with Chinese polyester and nobody seemed to care about it.”
“Undetermined” sounds so much better than “spun lead/melamine compounds”
Buy two, get one made of 100% Polyester
Clothing to dye for.
We could have told you what the other 50% is but we really don’t give a shirt.
Virgin New Zealand Woool, comes from sheep who can run faster than Maoris.
This shirt is made of 200% of something.
The other 50% is Cyanide, Mercury, cadmium, and Atomic Waste.
Do not bleach. It may disinfect whatever 50% this clothing is made from.
1. Take the shirt
2. Carefully add it to water
Now I understand – the price tag says ”50% Off”
50% leftovers from whatever contract job we had before this one.
(Actually, that’s probably true.)
Official menswear of the Bush-Cheney administration.
Does this smell like chloroform?
Whether I should buy it is 50% NO and 50% undetermined.
The first 50% is for the polyester and the remaining 50% is for the undetermined.
New and improved! Now with 50% more undetermined.
You must be half-satisfied.
50% the underware fabric that dare not speak its name
Let’s just say you have a 50/50 chance of wearing something actually wearable.
when i grow up i wanna be a chinese t-shirt!
Warning, may contain alien materials such as Dilithium, Carbonite, Adamantium, Vibranium, Neutronium, Scrith, and of course Kryptonite.
Think of all those poor indeterminites who died so you can have this garment. Shame on you!
(actually found on a tag on a Chinese shirt)
100% frightening.
If you shop at discount stores you only get half a shirt.