Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for your dairy life
This is why I don’t eat in a bar…
Don’t stash your wine in a barn…
Photo courtesy of Brian Marsden.
Found at restaurant in Shanghai, China.
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So did you hear the one about what the horse said to the deer…
Don’t ride! Drink
116: Horse On Horse
Yili is Chinese for Stewball
fell off the wagon into a french butcher’s shop
Is this a menu or my arrest record?
That filly is silly for my yili.
Reminds me of the old urban legend that the spirit Jagermeister is made with deer or elk blood…
In Shanghai, horses get a speed ticket.
They’re missing my favorite: drunk ass.
Gosh, I’d HAVE to be drunk to eat THAT crap!
What, no drunken noodles to go with ’em?
– A Hic meat, a Sheep On Drugs family bucket, two Deer beers and a Delirium Tremens shake, please.
A chicken, a horse, and a deer walk into a bar…
The drunk horse was slaughtered by a drunk butcher
W-W-W-ilbur! Come bail me out!!
There was a drunken Horse,
Who had some drunken guts,
And they all lived together,
In some little drunken huts.
Some sozzled Bambi please.
A big white horse walked into a bar and ordered a Scotch Whisky. He drank that one and ordered another whuich he drank too.
The Barman asked: “Do you always drink Scotch?” ‘Yes.’ replied the horse.
“I’ll bet they named a Scotch Whisky after you.” said the Barman.
‘That’s strange.’ said the horse. ‘I’ve never heard of a Scotch called Eric.’
♫ Christmas time, horses soaked in wine ♫
Well, marinated and pickled are slang words for drunk, aren’t they?
Good thing they didn’t choose s***-faced! 😮
the cold fried chicken explodes the drunk venison
That’s not calimari.
Reindeer full of Christmas Cheer
Don’t eat and drive!
Oh deer !
Horse Intestines Villi, absorbing the alcohol
A horse and a deer walk into a bar…………….
Horses don’t let horses drink and drive.
My suspicions about the white wine I had last night have been confirmed.