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With big noses and hairy feet
Oh, it’s only a coffee spot? That’s a relief, I thought it was an ugly birthmark.
When plain coffee just isn’t plain enough.
Well, as they say: ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.’
Coffee guaranteed to make you throw up or 100% money back!
Restaurant ‘VOMIT’ is on the other side of the street
You can’t have this coffee with fresh cream, it always turns sour.
One Crappuccino, coming up.
Should I have it with a deformed donut or a disfigured Danish?
Decisions, decisions…..
It’s UGLY! Okay? Got it?
lots of ugly scenes i guess
The coffee is ugly.
The de-caf is merely unappealing.
Make mine a double ugly with an extra shot of ohshit.
OK, if it’s black and hot
Oh, don’t be so hard on yourself! At the very least you taste good.
Out out, darn coffee spot! Thou art too ugly!
Get your ugly mug in here and get some ugly coffee!
@Seventy2rd o clock: “I like my coffee the way I like my women- hot, black and ugly”?
You should try our pastries.
They’re fugly..
You should see outr Pastisches.
They make the coffee look great.
There’s one-bag ugly, two-bag ugly and coyote ugly. It takes a lotta Ripple to graduate to coffee ugly.
Who defaced the decaf?
Coffee rings, on the other hand, have a unique and elegant beauty.
It rhymes with Starbucks.
@ Droll not Troll: Hot, black, ugly and spotty.
At least they’re honest
Has anyone found her elusive coffee spot yet?
You have to wash immediately to get that damned coffee spotting out of unmentionables.
Yes it is, but you get used to it.
A Cappuccino with froth… at the mouth.
This Cappuccino looks more like a Crapuccino!
I like my coffee the way I like my women: dark & bitter.
Time to remove that spot.
My mother-in-law had an extra cup of ugly this morning. Now I know where she went.
All those pretty plants, & they still call me ugly.
Just put a bag over it.
Japan’s version of Coyote Ugly – coffee instead of booze