Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Old Deformity People – we pay you
posted on 13 Dec 2012 in Chinglish
Old People (Winter Year) – you will be carded.
Photo courtesy of Billy Wong.
Museum sign from China.
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Too many of ’em
I wonder what the deformity certification procedure entails. Probably it involves a game of Human Tetris. Whoever is unable to pass through the man-shaped hole in the wall is certified deformed.
Oh blast I left my certificate at home
You have been charged with two service officers, one student above 1.2 metre and three deformity people, all with certificate. What do you have to say in your defense?
Old children above 3 years – No charge
Old People (Summer year) – You will enjoy ice-cream
even more than usual.
I’m an old person and I always carry my Amateur Gynecologist certificate.
I just got my certificate that says I’m old.
With my three buttocks and Dumbo ears, you want to see a certificate?
Will you take a Bat Guano Crazy Certificate?
I’d much rather have an undergraduate on top of me than go to a museum.
What about illiterate people? Turn them away!
Chinese Jeopardy: “I’ll take Charging Standard for 15 Yuan.”
I’m sorry, but you have to show your deformity certificate to enter for free.
OK, Mr. Quasimodo?
I don’t need an old person certificate. Take a good look at me. Do you think I’m too old for you? *wink, wink*
Below undergraduate – Nuts Guys, Corn Freaks and Monkeys
So I’m a Charging Item, huh?
If they are from the year 60-70 then they are truly old people…
I must have left my Old Person Certificate at the liquor store.
Im old and blind. What’s this say?
My grandpa is certifiable. Certifiably old.
Who knew communist China had no need of political correctness?
Humph! I’ve managed to grow old woithout any friggin certificate. Stuff you alll!
I wonder if they’ll charge my mobile phone.
This sign is too confusing. I think I’ll just use the informants telephone to rat them out.
If you fall for 60 or 70 years, you save a whole 7 yuan
Adult hobbits and dwarves below 1.2 metre must still pay the full fee
Typo not “fall year” it is “F— all year”.
I’m not old and cranky, stuff you!.
I was cranky, long before I got old.
– Officer, I have a certificate that I’m 6 feet under
The conformity people all pay the same amount.
@Seventy2rd o clock
– But I know you are Yau Ming the basketball player!
“You are only as old as the women you feel.” (Groucho Marx)
60-70 you must be this old to fall.
What about Deformity Children (Autumn year 3 – 12) ?
Actually we can learn something from the Chinese. I here deformity people have to pay extra to get in.
I have my Old People certificate, my Deformity People certificate, my Magic: The Gathering cards, and a poetic license. How much for me?