Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Welcome Is Made!
I’ll have a speculative mochaccino
Honesty is the best policy but not the main ingredient…
Photo courtesy of C. Tomlinson.
Found at Starbucks in Dongducheon, South Korea.
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Now, it is out of order, or is it?
Well just can’t believe anything a machine tells you theses days
How about beauty? I’d like some of that, please. That’s all I know on Earth, and all I need to know.
Deus Ex Macchiato
Story of my life.
I’d like a small Epimenides Paradox, no cream.
That’s true.
The last black coffee I got was actually a moccachino.
There’s something oddly contradictory about this caffè latte.
Mr Schroedinger. Your Coffee is ready….or not ready
So are our politicians.
If a coffee machine tells you it loves you… don’t be fooled.
It’s out of truth, and now it just lies there.
It simply went ‘Olé!’
You’re out of order! You’re out of order! The whole café is out of order!
Whattaya mean you don’t serve Vittoria Coffee!!!??
The Soy Caffe Latte should be Sorry Caffe Latte
But somebody found some more and put it into those two jars on the left.
Oh, no! Now the coffee is a lie!
Cool story, brew.
if you take your coffee with low fact milk, there’s no problem.
Soylent latte is made of people!
We have nothing but an urn of LIES!
I’m a tea drinker, anyway…
Now I just want to know what I’ve been drinking all this time.
I think we have grounds for a charge of perjury.
Good thing there’s still plenty of lie to go around
the truth is out there
“Now I just want to know what I’ve been drinking all this time.”
@Seventy2rd o clock: No you don’t.
If the machine is out of truth, then it is lying – about being out of truth…
The machine should run for office.
Objection! I still want my espresso!
Truth is, it’s too expensive!
You mean, it WAS, but no longer ?
I want the truth right now !
@Peter: You can’t handle the truth!
@demondude777: Sustained! …A muesli bar will give
you sustained energy! Caffiene’s just a quick fix
Fresh supplies can be rushed here in 45 minutes
That’s a good thing, too. Serving more than 16oz of truth is now banned.
For Truth, Justice and the De-Caffeinated Way!
If you want the truth you’ll have to order a cup of honest tea.
Funny looking polygraph you got there.
Sell me no coffee and I’ll tell you no lies.
We’ve secretly replaced the coffee at this fancy coffee shop with Folger’s Conundrum Crystals. Let’s see if anyone notices….
What else?
It is coffee machine. We have many lies
Ok. I’ll just have a decaf rumor then.
The saying is true: In vino veritas !
The machine must been drinking.
Sign on Large Hadron Collider:
Out of truth quarks, but we still have lots of beauty, charm, and strangeness.
Out of truth, but not out of coffee. I see plenty of beans on the shelf. Perhaps you mean it was out of truthiness.
That machine is FULL OF IT !!!
It’s a PC way of saying their machine is full of lies!
Are you telling us the whole truth?
Well, not quite; we’re also out of coffee.