At the jelly factory, Jerry was a workaholic with a tendency to “spread” himself too thin. One day he got into a real “jam”, when the grapes in some expired fruit spread he taste-tested made him feel their “wrath”, and at the end he was “berried”. His memory however, will always be “preserved”.
Welcome to Punville. Population: you. 🙂
12 years ago
Strawberry, Jerry, and an angle´s kiss in spring….
12 years ago
Now I know how to name a scarecrow if I ever have one
12 years ago
I should have also mentioned the grapes made Jerry “wine” a lot. Oh well…
It seems to me funny to laugh at the goofy translations gotten by the people trying very hard to use English, so I laugh at that. Laughing at goofy translations OK – making fun of people for talking different than you – racist or exhibiting a superior attitude at best. Not cool.
12 years ago
as the engrish 4th doctor says, “Wourd you rike a jerry baby?”
As seen on terry
Shouldn’t that have been strawbelly jerry?
Just a little something for tom
@siteholder: Muchas Garcias for the ref.
I prefer Peanut Paste Potty.
Jerry has funny-looking strawberries!
… with vanirra ice cleam?
Perfect for Herro Kitty’s straw belly
Well, if you really want to crap your hands …
Beste Strawberry in der Welt.
Then why is it yerrow?
90% Jerry / 10% Puddy Tat
The secret life of Strawberry Shortcake; what you didn’t know.
OK Tom, you’ve got way too far this time!
Wow, these cartoon mice! First it was Mickey, now we learn that Jerry is a fruit, too.
I prefere grape jerry with my peanut brutter.
Must be Jerry – Jam don’t shake like that !
When he finally caught Jerry, Tom got a little creative with his fate.
Ever notice I’m in little metal dishes? What is with that?
There’s no mention from where this is, but it must be a place where strawberries are yellow cubes.
Jerry babies are made of Jerry!
Not sure if they’re rearry streawberry jerry.
I would believe that as a real flavor from a certain famous ice cream company.
@Seventy2rd o clock: “Jerry baby, officer?”
@ Ben: iScream by Apple?
Jerry is ripe but these strawberries aren’t.
So that’s what happened to Jerry. We’re gonna miss ya buddy.
Excusem me but I think my chunks aren’t really Jerry!
Strawberries jerry-built from pineapple chunks
Just like little jars of Pee – some half fool and some half Jerry.
Let’s see . . .
Ingredients: Strawberries, Geratine, Water
Corour: Yerrow
Grapefruit Spread?
Is this a Jerry doughnut in your footlocker? You traitor!
Goes great with Little Jerry Seinfeld!
We must strawberry Jerry day and night!
Well, straw is yellow!
Mmm, does it come with Jerry Beans?!
poor jerry
At the jelly factory, Jerry was a workaholic with a tendency to “spread” himself too thin. One day he got into a real “jam”, when the grapes in some expired fruit spread he taste-tested made him feel their “wrath”, and at the end he was “berried”. His memory however, will always be “preserved”.
Welcome to Punville. Population: you. 🙂
Strawberry, Jerry, and an angle´s kiss in spring….
Now I know how to name a scarecrow if I ever have one
I should have also mentioned the grapes made Jerry “wine” a lot. Oh well…
42 comments and no one’s mentioned Cherry Garcia?
Cherry Garcia
It seems to me funny to laugh at the goofy translations gotten by the people trying very hard to use English, so I laugh at that. Laughing at goofy translations OK – making fun of people for talking different than you – racist or exhibiting a superior attitude at best. Not cool.
as the engrish 4th doctor says, “Wourd you rike a jerry baby?”
They were out of boisenbelly?
what kind of strawbelly jerry is yellow?????