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Alright. Today you have to clean the toilet’s and do basically do everything else.
Best to train them early
How very third world
How Molly Maids was trained when they were kids!
“Cleaning keep you more clever.”
Why is it that every comment that comes to my mind is too unclean to use?
Not nearly as much fun as the Apple Factory Worker Suicide Prevention Play Set.
When I grow up, I want to be a housechild!
Cleaning children can be a messy business. It’s good to start learning how when you’re young.
I’m not putting this toy on my bucket list.
Straw pallets sold separately.
Cheaper than a Roomba.
– Sweetie, take care of that dead dog in the back yard, would you?
I’ll take 5
♪♫ Just whistle while you work … ♪♫
The ideal complement for that Snow White dress.
Quit complaining. Back in my day, it was a 16-hour job
“So Carl, how does one get into the custodial arts anyhow?”(Breakfast Club)
Top! You don’t need to study! Just clean up!
We used to dream of educational toys like this !
Kids today don’t realize how good they ‘ave it !
When you can’t afford the Cinderella costume…
The top is a lie!
Great for cleaning that filthy Fashion Gril.
Disney Princess… before they turned into princesses.
3 years old: time to start making money.
– Mommy, can I go and clean the house now, pleeease?!
It puts the mop in the bucket or it gets the hose again.
As endorsed by Newt Gingrich and the GOP
Makes you more cleaver. Lizzie Borden.
minimum wage sold separately
From ages 3+ to Mexican…
@DrLex: Clearly you don’t have children if you think that this toy + a child is cheaper than a Roomba!
The Brick Laying toy set was too heavy.
China: making child labor cute since 1949
A toy that makes household chores FUN, yeah that’ll work. 😛
Shouldn’t that read ‘more cleverer’?
When you’re finished cleaning, get daddy another beer.
Cleaning children since 1964.
if she learns how to clean and do house-work she might
have her own brothel in five years or so
Chinese children training.