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Silly? or just a clown….
It doesn’t know whether to go forwards or backwards.
For transgender bikies.
The new Grass Tracker Ambiguous. 250 cc’s of…of…umm… Maybe it’s a bike. But it sounds like a lawn mower. Who knows? But don’t be seen on / with anything else, whatever it is.
Fuel May Contain Ethanol… and then again, it might not.
I’ll bight is it a car
I’ll byte too.
CAUTION: Rider may contain Ethanol.
I don’t want the T-shirt.
I think he meant “amphibious.”
250 cc is only AMmediumsizedUOUS.
If this bike is in an accident can we call it a gender-bender?
@Droll not Troll: Can we ever be sure it was an accident?
The speedometer is in KPH/MPH, the tachometer is in RPM/Hz, and the rider is in group therapy.
And I’m curious.
Owned by an existentialist locker with split personality.
Suspension made by; The Robert. Fook. Yu. Motorbike Comapny of China
Hells Metrosexuals?
Schrodinger’s bike.
“GrassTracker 250” Maybe it’s a lawn mower?
@ Classic Steve: ………………………………………………………
Now I have a headache!
@Lora: Or maybe it’s a bike used by a plainclothes cop in the drug squad. 😉
@Lora. So it cuts the grass. But what does it cut it with?
Sons of Anachronism!
Suzuki has another winner.
Mr. Cop, I was hit by a motorcycle!!!
Or was it a bike?…
Maybe a car…
Or even a lawn mower…
Ah, forget it, I’m not even hurt anymore. 😐
Expremay ambigulus!
Well, it’s better than “404: translation server error.”
Sanatorium’s Angels
Gary and Ace must use this bike.
Eh, I could take it or leave it.
CAUTION: Do not confuse the motorcycling thing
WHAT is this, and does it feed on gasoline, diesel, kerosene, alcohol or water ?
I’m having mixed feelings about today’s EOTD
Rebel WITH a cause
It’s an indecisive Transformer robot.
I’m now Bike-Curious…
i-i-it’s not like i wanted you to ride me or anything! idiot!
Why are so many great Engrish pieces ranked so low, such as this one? It’s hilarious! Bikers are generally known for a tough image, so an ambiguous biker is not quite that impressive.
Rebel with or without a cause
thats is a sticker for the skate clothing brand ‘ambiguous’. you can also see on the top of the tank is a Thrasher magazine sticker. so this biker is probably just a skateboarder too. still pretty funny.
ambiguous ? not very much of a man I say ….