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If they do, please follow a magnum .44 manner. D’you feel lucky, pet?
Box contains one large cork.
Oh my god, I just had feces myself. I must be infected.
”Come on, let them go, Tarzan!”
I once had a rabbit as a pet. It violated this prohibition in a maximum manner by first having feces and then having its own feces.
Because their owners are full of it.
Only anally retentive pets here
Can I let a pet have a half jar of pises?
Just let them watch movie ‘Fece Off’
This fece is… MINE!!!
My dog prefers to think of it as “Doing the needful”.
Sorry, I am yet to complete my maximum manner course, hopefully my pet won’t have feces while I’m at it
They will know if you violate this order, by your pet’s sh!t-eating grin.
I agree with this completely. In fact, I named my dog Sherlock.
All feces have been passed by the Ministry and are considered too good to be wasted on pets.
Pet-exploders? Hmm, I think Wile E. Coyote could use these to catch Road Runner.
Actually, certain pets like Guinea Pigs and Rabbits must eat their own feces because their digestive tracts produce certain nutrients that they can only obtain by eating their feces.
@Dervrak, my boston terrier eats his own feces..just because he likes it I guess. He also eats cat shit, horse shit and other dogs’ shit
These are my feces. There are many others like them, but these are mine. My feces are my life.
They have no business doing their business.
My pet will not be happy about this, he is very anal…
A pet? Which one?
You can have some, but not your pet.
Sign has giant orange explosion for dramatic effect.
Nuclear instructions inside.
I let my dog have feces once. It wasn’t pretty.
Is this an exhortation to use a pooper scooper or an injunction against coprophagia?
Please, only feed pet water and hard cheeses.
I’ve been so busy keeping my pet away from the feces, I’m really pooped!
@Dervrak. I didn’t need to know that.
If your pet craps on the carpet the Nuclear Collar goes crtical, and vapourises the little bugger.
I must have got my house-training wrong. Everytime my dog craps on the carpet, he rubs his nose in it, runs round the room yelping, and throws himself out the window.
WHat’s this, a product to cause extreme constipation?
I can haz feces?
we dont need your sh!t we have enough of our own.
Rabbits do that all the time, they gobble their food during the day and they eat their droppings
during the night to re-proccess the food and absorb
all nutrients
This is valid advice.