Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Always Happy When Engrish Is!
Depends on my bladder
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At last something to wear with my Diarrhoea t-shirt
Also comes in yellow.
Or just passing
What a p*ssy t-shirt
I am a pissmistic person and I am half pissed.
It’s full. The air is made of fart.
Autourine therapy is big in Korea.
Designed by the sniper from Team Fortress 2.
That little ribbon is so cute.
I’m not sure which of the two options corresponds to the optimist vision in this case.
It’s full.
As evidenced by the Sewage Theorem:
1 gallon sewage, plus 99 gallons or water
equals 100 gallons of sewage.
Really!? You must be taking the half jar of piss.
Is this Engrish or just weird?
Also the person who sent this photo to Engrish.com
has the same last name as the country the shirt was found in!
I might want this shirt.
I’d never wear it.
But I got a long list of people who need one as a gift.
@iLock: Is it humor or profound wisdom?
I’m not sure.
Ask an alcoholic.
It was full until Bear Grills got thirsty.
Found in piss room.
Take half full, get half empty for free.
Q. When is a door of a piss room not a door of a piss room?
A. When it’s ajar…… of piss.
You asked the question too soon. I haven’t finished yet!
… either way , it’s not that good
Your typical ‘half and half’ product.
Put a crucifix in it and call it art…
Compared to this, Schrödinger’s Cat paradox is a piss off cake.
Either way, I still have to go.
A drunk Indian man reading it backwards:
“Ssip fo Raj!”
Every time I drink beer, I ask myself exactly the same question.
I cried wee-wee-wee all the way to the toilet.
Either way just keep that lid closed…
I don’t think your doctor is going to care about this.
Hey, it was full just a moment ago! What have you done to half of it?
Hold on, I’m gonna ask Bear Grylls.
A jar of piss….more than toilet!
It is half emoty.
I am not an optimist, I am a pissimist.
Neither. Jar’s too big. My eyes were bigger than my bladder.
Pour it on the head of whoever made this shirt and it’ll be completely empty.
What’s a bit of salty water between friends?
Bowl of poo: Flush or Do not flush?
“I don’t care if it’s half full or not. You have failed this drug test.”
Must be a big fan of Jarate!
*insert dumb and dumber jokes here*
Don’t let Randall Munroe see this.
very nice color coordination
Whether it was found in Korea or not, this is from the webcomic toothpastefordinner.com.
Engineer: This piss jar is twice as big as it needs to be.
Now on sale for half off!
Half full, half empty – all disgusting!