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Then cut it down
Vote Willie Nelson for Prez!
What’ll happen when mowing?
It’ll take us a long time to grow up at that rate
I grew up with the grass and I forgoten the before…
Let’s potty train the grass.
Don’t smoke it all at once.
When I grow up I want to be a lawnyer…
OK, but if you try to fertilise the kids I’ll cut off your nutsack!
I think I did. I’m starting to go to seed and I often feel rooted.*
*Aussie slang.
♫ It isn’t easy being green….♫
Describes my teenage years perfectly.
No thanks, I’d rather step on you. 😈
At my joint, we all grew up with the grass.
I was a poor child, born on the Astro-Turf side of the tracks.
I am not a vegetable! I am a human being!
Show solidarity with the grass, wear your hair in bhangs.
Well, I indeed noticed some green in my hair…
Get off my turf, Dude!
Be thin and green, but get troddon on. And worse.
Get off my turf dude?
Get a life . . . let’s not grow up with the grass!
I love the smell of Roundup in the morning.
Growing up with the grass tends to give one the munchies.
Been there, done that.
Once you grow to a certain age, the munchies kick in.
The literal translation might be even worse… let’s… “get long with the grass.”
Who needs Viagra then?
Too bad society cuts them down.