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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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If an animal bites off your hand, it is forbidden to feel the pain.
They’re for looking at.
Also, no picking up of animal droppings either.
A man got himself killed ata Chinese Zoo recently. He saw the Kangerooos, the Potteroos, the Walleroos, so he put his head in the cage to see the Dangeroos.
Please feel the animals inside your body.
Could I just squeeze the sheep’s tits for a minute? Seriously, I’ll stop after a minute!
Staff may be felt & scared at your discretion
I hope this is a typo for “FEED”. Otherwise I have to know just what that hand is doing.
Do not feel the animals while they’re alive. After they die their fur may be felt. 😛
Safety Reminder: If animal turns and attacks, fake an orgasm.
Can I feel the beaver? I promise not to scare it.
Can I still poke them with a stick?
Also, do not toss marbles at the animals.
Apparently, it’s especially forbidden to touch any small, round spots on the animals.
No handball playing with animals either!
Welcome to the roly poly zoo.
And you call this a petting zoo, tsk, tsk.
“In Russia animals feel and scare you!” SHADDUP YAKOFF!
I see Elmyra Duff has been there recently.
did I miss the Feeling Time?
They may very neatly bite half of your fingers off, leaving them all at the exact same length without blood loss.
OK mister cheetah, please turn your head and cough.
Let’s start feeding them !
But I feel I have to give the eating to the animals.
If you ignore this rule, the animals become a nuisance, and create hard-to-clean-up messes. Please think of the other visitors.
The red sign depicts this perfectly.
I don’t feel any animals.
Here kitty kitty kitty! Oh, thats it kitty, I have num nums for you….OH MY GOD! MY ARM!!!
please do not pet the crocodiles
@Mickeygreeneyes: You can have my job milking cows, and get to squeeze cow tits for a living. 🙂
Also please no do be bowling with marbles.
must be somebody has done smthing nasty to them before this sign is put up