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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Ma’am, tacos go next door
posted on 20 Aug 2012 in Signs
Sorry ma’am, peppers only…
Photo courtesy of Tamia.
Found in a restroom in Yokosuka, Japan.
Japanese says: “Please don’t flush anything other than toilet paper.”
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Gives a whole new meaning to “draining the dragon”.
What, not even call phones?
Habaneros, you have met your match.
No smorking, no beer drinking, no cell phones.
We’re a serious restroom.
So you don’t water them then.
I guess I should not press the button, then…
Rule #2:
If you use restroom pepper, please shout “Fire in the hole!”.
Isn’t that a place where soup ingredients come from?
So if I have a pepper in the restroom, I can drain the bus?
Do you have the beautiful woman pepper in this restroom by any chance?
I adore restroom cuisine!
In other words: this toilet is only for people who had our extra spicy dish of the day.
♫ My pepper fell from a burning ring of fire ♫
Oh, I though it felt a bit chili in there.
Peter Piper drained a peck of restroom pepper.
Wouldn’t ya like to be a pepper too ?
This restroom pepper really burns my ass!
No!!! Not into the restroom! It burns!!!
Because no one wants to hear you on your cell phone in the bathroom after too eating one too many peppers.
Or – Only use restroom pepper for draining, as dining room pepper may cause severe bouts of sneezing.
Would that be a butt jolokia?
Restroom pepper: the fiery final chapter of any good South Indian meal.
Would’nt you like to be a pepper too?
@Lora: “I didn’t fart, it was a rectal sneeze.”
♫ Restroom Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band… ♫
I love it when the photos come with the original text. Makes it much funnier when you know what they actually wanted to say (In this case: “Please do not flush anything other than toilet paper”). Which actually makes me want to ask: what about… er… bodily waste?
And please to throw salt over shoulder while draining restroom pepper. Thanks for your corporation.
@Classic Steve: Good one! We need more esoteric humour!
“Squeeze my pepper till the juice runs down my leg!” – various artists
fiery no 2