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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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I’ll have the inner-city liver…
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Must be a slum
It even slices it!
Advertisement strikes again
No problem. Burn the cottage then.
The fools! Everyone knows that suburb vegetable hearts are an excellent fireproofing material.
“thump thump… vegetable heart … it’s in your town… thump thump”
If the flames don’t cut it, bring out the explosives.
Isn’t that the title of an emo song?
Yeah, those San Fernando Valley vampires are so-o-o-o hard to kill!
Watch the evening news? Oh no… I get enough violence, death and destruction at the dinner table.
“Well Jamie, it seems the suburb vegetable heart is indeed fireproof. All our attempts to burn it were in vain.”
“Don’t worry Adam. We still have to replicate the results. And that means: C4!”
After the break: explodes the suburb vegetable heart successfully.
If it burns the suburb there won’t be mushroom for people to live.
Breaking news: The smoke from the burning suburb made Artie choke. All attempts to re-start his heart were in vain.
Epic vain attempt on translation
@ Droll not Troll: “It may choke Artie, but it ain’t gonna choke me.” (Stole that from The Little Rascals)
And I thought the suburbs were safe!
Official meal of Tom Hanks in ‘The Burbs’
“That heart’s too strong for flamethrowers. Rogue Group, use your harpoons and tow cables. Go for the legs. It might be our only chance of stopping them.”
— Luke Skywalker in “The Hemp Fire Strikes Back”
Moral of the Story: Don’t be a Suburb Vegetable. It’ll break your heart in vain.
I’m a vegetarian and my vegetable heart can’t stand this.
Comes with Mall-style Orange Julius
All you suburban vegetables, get up at 0700 every morning, work all day go home at 1700, take the kids to sport on saturdays, mow the lawn on saturday, go to work at 0700 Monday.
MY! Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun?
Typo: mow the lawn on Sunday
I’ll have…Burns the urban center meat in revolution with a side of …frozen rural fruit please.
♫ Yeah, I’ll check out a movie, but it’ll take a green one to movie me
♫ So step and mulch this shit
For all the years we looked like farmers
The joke is over- smell the smoke from the collards
Burn Suburbia burn ♫
No Engrish menu is complete without the word “explode”!
@Someone: Or ‘Burns’ or ‘F*ck’. The later somehow being a translation of “dry”. Which isn’t how I like to experience vegetables.
@jjhitt The Cantonese literal translation of “dry” = f–k. So the DRY GOODS WAREHOUSE, ends up proudly displaying the message:
WAITER! WAITER! This chicken is f—-ed!
No sir. It has only been burned.
@Jøsh: “It burns! It burns! It freezes!”
Ahh, poetry from a vegetarian, Chinese emo.
@ Marum @ jjhitt: I’m no expert in Chinese characters but I believe this is the one that causes all the confusion : 干.
Its meanings include “dry” and “f*ck” but not “burn’ (I don’t see it in the pic above).
We had lots of fun with this on a website with a similar name. 😉
@ DNT. Danke schon mein freund.. Ich konnen nicht die Kinesescreiben.
Meowwrrr….Marum.(Die schachspielen Katze)
“Villains!” I shrieked, “dissemble no more! I admit the deed! –tear up the planks! here, here! –It is the beating of his hideous Suburb Vegetable Heart!”
@Droll “WHO’S BURN? UR-BURN!!!”
The abrking deer explodes the suburb vegetable heart
Nothing a little Beano won’t solve.
I’ll have what she’s having.