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Suppose a slap of the face is out of the question.
Signed, Super Mario.
Aw, man, I stepped in a head again! That’ll NEVER come off!
”Step out of my head, will ya?”
One head at a time, please.
It’s like whack a mole!
Chuck Norris will not be pleased.
You don’t want your staircase to become a head case.
Better go wipe your feet, I think you stepped in somebody.
♫ She got bra-ains on the soles of her shoes…♫
I need that like I need a step in a head
When you’re on our ship, try not to stick your foot into a toilet. Thank you for your cooperation.
Stay tuned for the next line from “The Walking Dead.”
It’s kind of like a 12 Step program… if you have 12 heads.
♫ It’s just a jump to the left
And then a step to the head. ♫
Aw man, you mean they still haven’t cleaned up since the last execution?
Before you know it, that step becomes two steps. And in the end you have a whole staircase in your head. Nasty stuff.
♫ And don’t be alarmed if I fall feet over head ♫
♫ Something happens and I’m head under heels ♫
It’s only in my head… Only in my head…
This means you, Jack and Jill.
I stepped in a poodle once when it rained cats and dogs. Same thing, right?
You got served!
dubsteps never work well when they tell you to get on the flo
Don’t step in the head when the boat rocks.
You don’t want to cause a headache on anyone, do you?
If your foot gets stuck in a head, we may have to dismantle the poop deck to get you out.
Is that an Engrish threat Mister!!?
Yokosuka has got some hard core soccer/football hooligans!
“Barefoot in the Head” …. a SF novel by Brian Aldiss, about the “Acid Head Wars”.
Gentle on my mind.
how the hell they get anything done around here is beyond me