Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Will that be molar or bicuspid?
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After eating My Grandma’s Fish, I ended the meal with a Bad Cavity.
Bad cavity and my grandma’s fish. Gee, I can’t think of any perverted jokes to make from that combination!
Coming soon:
Finding Nemo 2: Nemo in Hangzhou province.
Including a thrilling restaurant escape scene.
Is grandpa’s a jelly head?
What, they want me to pay for a pain?!
– Would you care for a dessert, Sir?
– Yes. A dentist, please.
The Bad Cavity will only be served between 12 noon and tooth-hurty.
I always wondered why Grandma smelled like that.
Don’t worry, my grandma’s fish is guaranteed fresh. She stores it in her bad cavity.
Bad dentist included ?
Bad Cavity! I wonder how sugary it must be.
Apparently someone in China has grown some asparagus that looks just lettuce! Or maybe it really is lettuce…
Correction: looks just like lettuce. I’ve been making a lot of my own Engrish lately.
Jellyfish have heads now? Or do they, um, give it?
Is Bad Cavity better than Good Cavity?
Jelly Fish Heads,
Eat them up! Yum!
Grandma started on a small scale, now look!
Freebie: Two parrots were sitting on a perch…the first one says to the other “can you smell fish?”
Don’t worry, grandma didn’t like bubbles the moment he came home from the pet store.
Mixed Metaphors, Hangzhou Style
Waiter! This entire menu is in Engrish!
Jokes about women and fish are very indelicate, and I will not do them here.P)
grandma, i’m really sorry to inform you that your pet fish passed away. on a side note, would you like to try the baked fish fillet i just made?
@Sparky: The freebie took me a few seconds, then I LOL’d!
Another freebie: There are 2 fish in a tank. One says to the other: “Do you know how to drive this thing?”.
@Sparky. Like the knife said to the spoon. “Let’s get the fork outta here!”
I thought the pickled goose was strange. I didn’t know about Hangzhou styles.
There was a pickled Goose,
That had a pickled Gander,
And they all lived together,
With a pickled perving Panda.
Fish head,
fish head,
jelly, jelly fish head…
It’s Engrish’s Greatest Hits!
Get all your favorite Engrish songs in one album! Including…
“…Asparagus where we belong!…”
“…Baaad Cavityyy, til the day I diee…”
“…Pickled goose, Qu’est Que C’est, Ha ha ha haa ha ha ha ha haaangzou…”
“…Grandma’s fish run over by a reindeer…”
“…Fish head, fish head, jelly, jelly fish head…”
And much, much more! Order now!
The bad cavity explodes the pickled goose
One more coming :p
The apsaragus lettuce fries the boiled pork
Grandma called – she said she *had* a Haddock…
@Maron That only rhymes if you have a non-rhotic accent.
I din’t know jellyfish had heads…
Well it’s that or My Grandma’s Fish