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We have a maternity ward 24/7 for pregnant customers.
I put my shoes into a plasting bag and they suffocated!
A juice and alcohol vending machine. In other words, instant cocktails. I want one!
My shoes did not want to go to bed after I put them into the plasting bag. I think they had too much ‘juice’ from the vending machine on the first floor. Therefore I was unable to have it at the room.
Eastern version of ‘Hotel New Hampshire’
I’ll have a C-Section and a double whiskey.
And please be quiet about it, my shoes are asleep.
When I told my shoes to stay in the plastic bag they told me they preferred to go for a walk, buy some cocktails from the vending machine and drink them while enjoying that 24 hour birth. Is that OK?
Open both windows, I just had twins.
@Seventy2rd o clock
They didn’t suffocate, we put them to sleep…I mean to bed.
Sounds like this place ought to turn on the gas moveable cooking stove for a while and strike a match.
Please always have always have the key of the room. Get it? ALWAYS have it! Or ELSE!
Damn, I can’t find my birth… Must have gone to bed or something.
The door is opend for 24 hours. Except on Leap Day, when it is opend for 25 hours. But then again, on alternate Tuesdays . . .
Which employee do I see about arranging or canceling a birth? I hope it will be an attractive employee of the gender I prefer.
>> A birth is put in for 24 hours.
In my country it takes nine months.
Lamaze Class is ok
Not much sleep here
“Relax, ” said the night man,
“We are programmed to receive.
You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave! “
I must be doing it wrong. When I put my shoes in the plasting bag they wouldn’t go to bed but my foot went to sleep!
Is it allowed to close the door after 24 hours?
My shoes are not going to bed yet. Since there is no preparation of a meal, I’ll have them buy some food for me.
The birth is in the first 2 floor? That baby must be huge! No wonder it takes 24 hours.
Guest: I guess I need to tell you: A washing machine can be used once from 300yen.
Hotel Employee: Thank you for letting me know. My boss had not informed me.
Please put hopelessly smelly shoes in the blasting bag and retreat to a safe distance before detonating.
I love the 300yen limit on the money laundering.
Please always save always save power and water. You’ll need it for the 24 hour birth ordeal.
It is forbidden to use the washing machine more than once.
The gas moveable cooking stove runs and hides and cannot be used even once.
24 hour midwife service on call?
Oh my god, open a freaking window! Not everyone wants to smell your afterbirth, you know?
hello desk. I can’t find my room. I don’t know if it was on the first second floor, the second second floor, or the third second floor. Oh! Never mind. I left my key in the box of the first floor, and when I try to get it back, it keeps hitting me.
The the gas movable cooking stove is just for show?
“Please always have always have the key of the room” – put the commas on the right places :). As in that “James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher” phrase.
I think I did it wrong. I told the clerk when I “gave birth” and I wanted to save water so I didn’t flush.
@jjhitt. If it takes nine months, why did you hurry so much at the end?:D
I didn’t cooperate with the power saving water saving, so I had to tell an employee
Too much engrish in one posting..I think I’m overdosing
-Do you work here?
-The washing machine can be used once from 300 yen.
-Thank you.
My shoes must have walked away. In my plasting bag there was nothing but my blastic caps.
My shoes can go to bed wherever they want, thank you!
Well… goodnight SHOES! That plastic bag comfortable enough? … What is that you say shoes? You want tell an employee?
♫ They stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can’t kill these shoes ♪