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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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© 1999 - 2025 Engrish.com. All rights reserved.
One can isn’t going to do it. I need to fill the bathtub, dunk my head and suck.
Is that a smile in your pocket, or are you just having fresh feelings?
Flush out those stale, old, worn out feelings.
The moisture replenishment is more important than the mental breakdown caused by seeing talking soda cans.
Thank you, I already drank my girlfriend.
Then eat me after the weather. But we have to finish before Dave comes on. I hate to miss his monologue.
People can tell you’ve been drinking Smile Pocket when they see the the lint in your teeth.
– Mommy, mommy! I put my hand into my smile pocket and it bit me!!
Something to give warm moist feels
I’m waiting for the super-sized Smile Sack.
Smile Pocket became self-aware at 2:19 am August 29, 1997.
– Hello Can I buy you a drink?
I always have my pockets smiling in the beginning of the month.
And then, there is the credit card bill.
Careful! Fresh feelings your smile pocket in public can get you arrested in some states.
Friend, yes you can can!
I guess fresh feelings are a direct marketing challenge to its rival, Pocari Sweat.
I bought a smile today. I think I might have somebody’s soul.
Is that a smile in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
My trouser pockets tell me you’re too moist for us
I saw Fresh Feelings open for Nas at the garden in ’09. Great show!
“Do you have a snake in your pocket?”
‘No. Why?’
“Because it just bit me.”
Mama always told me, the moisture replenishment is important!
One liter of fesh feeling in your pocket.