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Be proud of your shroud!
@Judy: I think you’re on the wrong medication.
Born to be dead…!
Handmade baby, must be by test tube.
Disturbing on so many different levels.
My major concern: where Judy is at, they let her have knitting needles.
My mother got the same little burial gown. But then something went wrong…
Too sick even for MY kind of humor.
Judy drank too much of that cruel fruit juice…
Sorry, this one is more sad than funny.
Meet Funeral Bear, the latest character by Sanrio.
@Big Fat Cat: one of the friends of Goodbye Kitty.
Well, there’s a new category for this site- underground humour.
WARNING: May NOT contain small parts.
Wow! Indeed.
Disturbing. What’s next, a burial gown for Mama Dies in Childbirth?
Judy, they would like to see you down in the H.R. dept.
Such a cute illustration with plain black humor.
I think we found the new “I Hate Myself And I Want To Die”.
My daughter was born very premature… the grand-parents of another very premature baby in the room made our daughter and their grandson burial gowns… AND THEY WERE NOT DEAD!! … and they still aren’t dead, 3 years later…
They’re so cute when they never wake up!
CAUTION: buttons may be choking hazard.
I guess the person who wondered “why the children of the world” wasn’t satisfied with the answer
Is this the mascot character for the sequel to Satoshi Kon’s Paranoia Agent?
@ jjhitt: ‘Goodbye Kitty’: bravo – this one is fantastic.
Ring around the rosies
Pocket full of posies
Ashes, ashes we all wear gowns.
Stop it with the burial gown already! I was born asleep, not dead!
Wow ! For handmade babies born asleep and remaining asleep forever.
Gown knitted from asbestos, with high quality depleted Uranium buttons.
Five stars for taking us to completely new territory.
I was asleep until that Bas—d belted me on the bum.
Mummy Bear
Daddy Bear
Baby Bear
Homcidal Bear
A tisket
A tasket
Baby’s in a casket.
Yes. Pretty bleak.
Not sure how it wound up on a notebook cover, but I have a hard time getting a chuckle out of a stillborn child.
I would not add Judy as a friend.
I don’t think this is funny. It is super weird and morbid, but not funny.
Creepy, thats more misery bear than anything.
If you’ve been through a Japanese funeral you’ll know this is par for the course. Mawkish sentimenality is taken to another level while on the other hand watching sons bleakly picking over their parent’s cremated bones with chopsticks makes you wonder at different people’s conceptions of the life and death.
Wow is correct. I was looking for a laugh this morning instead I’m depressed thinking of stillborn babies…..Thx for nothing judy…..you creepy , creepy…well you’re a creepy something.
Is baby born asleep Japanese for still born? Just wondering.
I submitted a picture of this exact thing to Engrish a couple of years ago (probably wasn’t super quality pic though). What was funny about it was it was simply the cover of a blank notebook/journal thing.
Dang. I come to Engrish to laugh, not cry. I can be pretty crass, but I cannot laugh at stillborn babies.
Fay – like you, I submitted this pic years ago – 2006, I think.they must have a huuuuuuge backlog to be posting it 6 years later.
This is not engrish.. ‘baby born asleep’ is a recognised term among mothers with stillborn babies, this is an advertisement for specially made gowns for babies who are too small to wear even premature baby clothes to be buried in.
At first I only noticed “For babies born asleep” and I thought that was the joke – cutesy nonsense because how many babies are born asleep through childbirth?
THEN I noticed “Little Burial Gown” and an “ohhhhh” moment sank in, and I felt sad. I still didn’t understand why it would include “submitted by Judy.”
THEN I noticed “found on cover of spiral-bound notebook” and I’m thinking, what the heck? The inscrutable Asian, indeed!
does nobody else find this really disturbing?
CAUTION: This garment is not fire-retar… oh, never mind.
Stillbirth has never been cuter!
(I apologize. That was unconscionable.)
Many women will knit and crochet little burial gowns for babies who are stillborn, “born asleep” is a term frequently used, I believe the text was copied from one of many websites providing patterns for the women who do this as a charity and donate them to hospitals. I sincerely hope the person who cut and pasted the text to use as a cute notebook cover had no idea what the text meant. As for the comments above making light of this, how tasteless can you be?
When you’re rife with devastation….
It’s just made for babies who are stillborn!!!