Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
The evidence is all around us!
posted on 24 Jun 2012 in Clothing
Photo courtesy of Alison Brown.
T-shirt found in Japan.
“Laugh and Grow Fat” is an old saying meaning “cheer up” or “enjoy life”.
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Well why don’t you just supersize me.
I want to give one to Mr Putin.
that makes Kirstie Alley the happiest celebrity of them all
Laugh and Grow Fat: be slaughtered by the Fast Foods industry
Well, according to this I must be the happiest person in the world !
Laugh and grow fat!
It is evidence of the type 2 diabetes.
So it’s a philosophy of life is it? Thought it was just the way I was.
I never laugh while I grow fat!
Then cry and grow Paris Hilton.
Yo mama is so happy…………..!
For maximum effect, press the ‘Healthy Baby’ button on your microwave first!
And the shirt size is ‘S’.
Remember, being fat was once a good thing and considered very attractive back in medieval times. We were just all born in the wrong century!
It is evidence of the munchies.
My new Weight Ignorers (TM) T-shirt!
Contains no hydrogenated trans-laughs.
Why, Santa !
You’ve been right all along !
Engrish.com is making me grow fat.
Export to the U.S. , it’ll make millions. We’re all about the happiness.
Does my ass look happy in this?
Getting fat, is the penalty for exceeding the feed limit.
Raugh and glow fat.
From the Raugh and Glow fast food company.
Contains trans acid fascists
No trans-faties
No fat trannies
In that case… i’ll just cry till I lose 5 kilos.
That’s it, no more comedy clubs for me.
Beware of tickle monster.
I prefer wearing Swimming Beard.
(Sorry I can’t wait for today’s (June 25th) Engrish which is nowhere to be seen yet! ;p)
Does the shirt have elastic?
Something is about to fat!
…said the Wicked Witch of the Woods to Hansel and Gretel.
Blue version of shirt says “Lose Weight; Be Sad.”
HaHaHa! Amelica is the most happy prace in se world! Haha HA! Hahaha!
Then why are Michael Moore and Rosie O’Donnell so pissed off most of the time?
on the back it continues, “And then cry!”
chuckle for zaftig
By logic that makes America very happy.