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In other words, a whore house upstairs.
First floor: Seoul.
Second floor: Finland.
I lap you!
Polar bears are black underneath
We wish you a merry KKKristmas and a happy new year
Laplanders ain’t got no Seoul.
Polar bears do the lap-dancing
Nice day for a white wedding.
I went there once and it was disgusting, all those people fondling and kissing their laptop computers!
Catering to patrons with Arctic Fever..
@#^$& racist Laplanders!
No one else need apply.
It sounds awfully close to White Love Lands In Your Lap…
Yo, lap music
Ewww. Hope they have wetnaps and a restroom to use them in…..
Must be a sex thing.
Looks flakey to me!
Mixed love ground floor.
White love first floor.
Black love second floor.
Third floorcensored.
Laplanders do it in the snow.
Actually this aint funny because…
first of all there are snowflakes..
Lapland is a part of northern sweden know for alot of snow during winter…
i just see this as white love as in love for the white snow, no racial meaning
loving snow in northern sweden,
Just make sure he no one tries to “go up the down staircase.”
I’m with Daemon. Sure, you can misconstrue this into funny meanings involving sex and/or white people, but it’s not Engrish in the sense of being nonsensical, completely inappropriate, misspelled words, etc. It’s basically “winter happiness in the snowy land of reindeer” and likely a department store holiday display.
Yes, there is a misspelling here. Lapland should be Lappland, which is the Sami inhabited areas of Northern Finland and Sweden.
If you did know this, sure, make jokes about “lap”.
But if you didn’t, you are more ignorant than the Koreans who made this, and the joke is on you. And you’re likely American too.
It’s actually meant ‘white’ as in snow..and ‘lapland’ as in the place in Netherland that was hidden…other than pretty funny.
They sell snow.
Merry XXX+Mas ^ Lappy New Year!
Are you dreaming? Pure white love.