Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish brings you happy with joy
Captain Jason welcomes you aboard
posted on 14 May 2012 in Clothing
I’m more afraid of the randing…
Photo courtesy of Bruce Hidaka-Gordon.
Child’s shirt found at Jusco dept store in Japan.
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And the emergency exits are here here here and …
Free T-shirt by Air Canada
“This is your captain speaking. If any passenger back there knows what this little red light means, could you please come up to cockpit immediately?”
It was nice before turbulences. Then things started to fly around and people screamed…
I don’t remember this fright because I’m dead.
The people on the shirt seem to be running away. They must have had a successful fright.
Better happy than clappy
Ice cream and scream and scream…
must be a hell of a flight …
Coming to a street near you…
– Mommy, I’m frying, I’m frying!
– Oh stop it, it’s only a T-shirt.
Don’t panic… the wings go right through the prane
Are you sure it’s not intentional? All the figures do seem to be running AWAY FROM the plane….
“Have a nice trip, see you next crash.”
Yes – these damn cheap trips always made me think of Halloween…
As if normal air travel wasn’t scary enough these days, this plane has rubber snakes that leap out of the barf bags when people open them.
All of the flight attendants are wearing evil clown costumes.
“In the event of a landing in water, your seat cushion will turn into a souvenir T-shirt.”
Where’s Sully when you need him?
We will be randing shortly at Riverpool Airport
Ooh, it’s a rittle led shirt!
Nice trips indeed. Trip more frequently on board until you get all the fright from the flight ^_^
An instant crassic.
Sounds like QANTAS since they’ve outsourced their maintenance to Asia.
A380 anyone?
Each window comes with its very own gremlin.
i’m sick and tired of these @#(#&*#%(*#$ snakes on this plane!
“surely you can’t be serious!”
I am, and stop calling me Shirly.
The wing on the other side has claw marks.
Those people must be tiny. That’s one of those little Shriners parade planes.
Welcome to Dallas-Fort Worth, and bu-bye!
MUMMY! Are we there yet?
“I just want to tell you both good luck. We’re all counting on you…” (‘Airplane’, 1980)
From your partners at US Scare, and Untied Airlines!
Those passengers almost look like they’re FALLING OUT of the plane instead of getting off…
Have a nice trip, see you next fall!
I’ve already told about the cargo of snakes?
Don’t eat the fish!
I’m a nervous flier, and it doesn’t get any better when I get to the airport and see the sign “TERMINAL”.