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I may be mistaken, but I think “hajime” means “choke” or “strangle.” Not the first quality I look for in food…
Done, Medium, Rare, Half-Dead, Squirming.
A canabal restaurant and off the hoof as well.
A place where customers are carefully selected to feed the sushi.
The Soylent Green is unusually fresh this time…
Hajime Murakami had a passion for serving people. To other people.
Tonight’s special: liver of census taker with fava beans and a nice chianti.
So! He’s having the people selected carefully alive. …For what purpose?
Ten dead bodies standing by a wall,
And if one dead body should accidentally fall,
We’d have nine dead bodies standing by a wall.
Hajime Murikami, makes Sushi for the people, by the people, and of the people.
Murakami – My kingdom for an EDIT button.
The restaurant is on 19F. There’s no way you can escape from being selected unless you jump out of the window.
to me this is all rubbish written gibberish
I won’t eat it unless I’ve heard it talk.
Watch the elaboration of dried Japanese, LIVE!
Come and get it! Fresh and Alive! Carefully selected from 7:00 – 9:30!
Has anyone really ever been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
I once had a Murakami, or should I say, he once had me?
Tastes like chicken!
-waiter, i said i wanted my steak rare
-yeah and?
-you just put a decapitated cow on my plate. the legs are still jerking. and i’m surprised the table hasn’t collapsed yet
You can offer but I’m not taking.
So it’s chef of the cuisine who makes it possible for that sushi to eat…?
– How would you like your food, Sir?
– Carefully dead, please.
According to Animelab, “hajime” means beginning / start / origin.
I’m alive….I’m alive
Its too Engrish, I need to learn more …