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Looks like the Smorking area has better tables and chairs.
A classic.
Second-hand smork runined my dining experience.
Where there’s smork there’s frire.
… where Smurfs go to appease their addiction…
“Smork” sounds very similar to the root of the Russian word that means “to blow one’s nose”. My first thought was “Wow, their restaurants have designated nose-blowing areas! What a country!”
Hey, you dork, would you please not smork? I’m trying to enjoy this creamed pork with my spork.
This word is so common that I can only assume it’s not a mistake.
Look at those bottles on the shelves in the no-smorking area. You can only choose between smorking and drinking in this bar.
♫ Smorking in the Broys Room… ♫
The no-smorking area actually looks smokier than the smorking area. Or should I say smorkier?
@stopchicks: Creamed pork with your spork? I think I’m gonna hork.
Hey Waiter, smorked pork, served with fork – or, um . . . smorked poke, served with foke, please !
beechoak: Actually, I think it’s where the Snorks go. Or is it the Smorks?
Papa Smork endorses this.
Where are the arse-trays for the smorkers?
Smork calling Orston, come in Orston…
What? No private booths in the smorking area?
♫ You always smork the one you love…♫
Well, Horry Smork… why are they empty?
Hey, no forking smorking Ok!!!!!!!
Bet you got the last one wrong.
I’d recommend the Nircodem Gurm. It’ll help control your carvings.
… I’ve tried taborco patches and eveything…
Oh great, so there is a smorking area! So we can smoke and smork at the same time…
they misspelled “Alea”.
Management: And if you don’t like it, smuck you!
Smorking – The act of smirking whilst smoking a cigarette.
You can’t smork, but you can smurf, right? Except in New York City – Bloomberg outlawed that.
Wow! the smorking area is more elegant than the non-smorking area.
No wonder the no-smorking area looks so smoky, they never actually said you couldn’t smoke.
To smork or not to smork, THAT is the question!
Ah, a restaurant owned and operated by Deep Purple fans! “Smork on the water/The fire in the sky”