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Be concerned seriously concerned.
Oh, my girdle is wetting me.
And as this is Singapore you’ll be fined S$ 5,000 for spunking outside the girdle of the sea. Big Bear is watching you.
If little bear had kept his girdle on and his inner yearnings to himself he wouldn’t have been submerged by a tidal wave of spunk
Pick up line most likely to result in physical injury & / or incarceration: Hey baby, wanna surf the spunk tsunami?
If I stare at this shirt long enough I might be able to find some part of it that isn’t wrong.
Dude, the trick is to shoot through the girdle and into the bra; then you’ll have a killer ride!
I hope the shirt isn’t about a bear who is trying to get off on a beach… 😀
he bearly came
CAUTION Drop Bears can be detrimental to your health.
There once was a Bear from Tashkent,
Whose Penis was terribly bent,.
So that when he essayed,
To make love to a maid,
Instead of coming he went.
What is the bear doing to the large round banded object that resembles Jupiter or Uranus?
My home is girt by sea.
Do people not realise that “spunk” originally meant “impishness” or “roguishness”? It isn’t necessarily sexual lolol.
@Brandon Arknell … and Sport used to mean twisted disfigured mutants… er…. challenged persons.
so, you’re telling me there’s no chicken of the sea, but there’s a girdle-wearing bear of the sea?
yeah…I’d wear that. Maybe not to my wedding but maybe a funeral or job interview or something
Pro surfing has found a new icon
must be all those humpback and sperm whales
Humpingback Whales?
Girdle of the sea. For the self-conscious whale.
Boundless sea… but only within the girdle.
Don’t eat the porridge.
I suspect the first word was supposed to be “SPLORT!”
Care Bears on vacation.
@ sparky HAaaahahaha yeah, CareBears Gone Wild! Singapore must be the ‘New Orleans during Mardi Gras’ of Asia, where spunking within the girdle of the sea is the favorite sport…
Pedobear likes your spunk girdle…. Pedobear likes it much
Hate when I get spunk in my girdle.
Looks like Poon bear and that weird robot from the supper glue thing.. now with SPUNK!
Smokey says: Only you prevent sea spunking.