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I think we’re supposed to leak left
posted on 21 Mar 2012 in Engrish from Other Countries
This is one time I don’t go with the flow…
Photo courtesy of W. Grimas and Grace O.
Found in Valencia Spain. In Catalan, it means
“Colon St. is free of traffic”.
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This traffic is really giving me the colon fluids!
That’s where the famous Spanish Flu started.
Think I’ll turn left at Enema Drive.
So when there’s a traffic jam, it would read “colon constipated?”
No Passing Zone.
Colon Street Closed for Cleansing — Take Fiber By-Bass
Could be worse. Could be colon solids.
Oh, they’re taking down the orange barrels and replacing them with brown.
“This town needs an enema!”
That way leads to a tunnel….
Traffic diarrhoea, anybody?
Next exit: Town of Rectum.
I want to go to Intestinal Liquid. Where is it?
Hands on the floor, feet on the door, quick as a flash, he makes a mad dash…
To add to DrLex’s suggestion (4th down) of restricted traffic messages… “Colon Blocked”, “Colon Backed Up”, “Colon Clog”, “Colon Mass”, “Colon Logjam”…
Leak to the left
Leak to the right
Stand up, Sit down
Drive all night
Citadella de Menorca is a town on the western end of Minorce.
Citadella = Citadel (Esp.)
Liquified Citadels?
Maybe they liquified the parisioners = Soylent Green vitamin drink.)
EDIT: Ciudadela (Hehe I looked up the correct spelling.
Let me explain,
ciutat in catala is city; ciutat > ciutadella
ville in francais is city; ville > village
ciudad in espagnol is city; ciudad > ciudadela (or pueblo/ita)
Essentially, think of it as Village Street, but yes it’s the same root as citadel. How the hell they came up with colon is beyond me! And flowing for fluid? Ah language..
@ BIG FAT CAT: Don’t you mean “Next exit; Town of no Rectum.”
For obvious reasons, vehicles that run on gas are to take the anus street….
♫ Sunny Day … Can you tell me how to get … how to get to Colon Street? ♫
Ahhh the sights…did you bring your colonostrophy cam?
If you turn right… SHIT HAPPENS!
“How the hell they came up with colon is beyond me! And flowing for fluid? Ah language..”
Colon is the Spanish name for Columbus (as in Christopher Columbus)
And for colon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cristobal_Colon
Start walking backwards!
@Eccekio “Colon” (Cristóbal Colón) is the Sp surname of It “Cristoforo Colombo” of which we are more familiar the Latinized Columbus.
@davonblr actually ciutadella is the catalonian for citadel. The same for the Spanish ciudadela.
Whatever you do, don’t look up.
Colon fluid is about the last thing you want to think about when stuck in traffic!
well… Colon means Cristóbal Colón (Christopher Columbus), not what you all think! It isn’t a bad translation. Funny though.
Yeah but can my V8 run on it.
is another language and another meaning, not a bug. eg: Pet in catalan is fart, and fart in catalan is sick.
Estic fart dels teus pets – I’m sick of your farts