Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Then it is fine.
Reduce, Reuse, Resuscitate
posted on 14 Feb 2012 in Chinglish
Give a hoot — don’t shoot!
Photo courtesy of Flip Dabrowski.
Found at a shopping mall in Shenzhen, China.
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So where do you suggest I discard this semtex then, huh?
Annie be careful with your gun
Please use the designated recycling bins to dispose of bodies and body parts.
This space reserved for armed-robber/vandal/arsonist littering only. Killer littering is located on the first floor next to the food court.
Did you know, there is a kind of gun that does not take lives.
It can give lives (in about 9 months and 10 days).
The sign is quite specific to what gender it is talking about.
I always compost my victims. It reduces waste and makes great potting soil. That way I’m helping to fight litter and overpopulation at the same time. 🙂
This sign is sponsored by your neighborhood friendly Mafia!
Please dispose of handguns in the proper receptacle.
Ok let’s burn the rubbish or betray it . . . arson and treason are allowed (!!)
Make it count: One Can, One Kill.
I hope the Chinese doesn’t say “Free Kittens”.
So, when you shouted “drop it!” You didn’t mean my guns?!
What about litterbug killing?
But I’m a serial litterer. 🙁
Serial killers are destroying the planet!
Just egregious bodily harm littering.
Gives the term “waste bin” a whole new meaning…
Give a larbage: Throw out your garbage!
It puts the litter in wastebasket…
♫ Momma, just killed a man
Threw my wrapper on the floor
Now he isn’t any more…
oooOOO OOOO OOO Ahhhh ♫
Homicidal litter should be placed in a secure bin
Old Blood n Guts Patton.
Don’t leave your bodies in the bush. Out them in the receptacle provided.
Out = Put (Damn!)
The recycled hand grenade bin is next to the land mine bin.
“Man, I have some awesome frickin’ littering in my time, but THAT is KILLER littering. My hat is off to you!”
Of course I meant “I have SEEN” but oh, well.
A death sentence for littering? Good thing I didn’t commit a REALLY serious crime, like keeping a library book overdue or illegally downloading music!
“Killer Litter” is an actual term in Singapore, it refers to litter thrown off, or objects falling from, high-rise buildings injuring those walking below. Once there was a death due to a falling flowerpot from a high rise apartment block – true story.
Now…. where can I do my littering?
Ha! They misspelled “nuclear”.
and no bad-assed jaywalking either.