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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
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Where the customer is always or never right…
Photo courtesy of Steve Finney.
Sign found in Brooklyn, NY.
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The cashier in this shop is actually a jackpot machine.
Round it anyway you like.
Welcome to Non-Negative Real Number Cent Store.
The Zen sign in the lower left explains everything.
Simple . . . we either buy or not buy
99c or not 99c, that is the question.
originally named “The Five or Dime”
Everyting 99c more or less. Everytong: POA
Satisfaction is and is not guaranteed.
@jjhitt: It does either explain everything, or nothing!
The 99 cents store or less and up
In other words,
a normal store.
The one-stop shop for penny-thrifts and spend-pinchers.
Everyt’ing gonna be alright.
T’en again, maybe not.
Do you have troble with indecision?
Errr. Can I get back to you later on that?
Okay, uh, how much for the Taj Mahal?
Now how did I know it would be Brooklyn?
Outside of NYC the are called Family Dollar stores.
It is not a “language” thing, it is a “it doesn’t matter what the sign says, we sell cheap crap” thing.
@Chicken Underwear
Family Dollar Store? I like it, spend your family of dollars here.
This item over hear will cost you a family of 8.
I’ll take a million of the 0 cent items.
”An Everything for 99c or less and a 7-Up, please.”
Did anyone else notice the spelling mistake – “everyting.” These guys get low marks for math AND English!
So, wal-mart finally decided on a name change…
We don’t have Walmart in Brookyn
Shop assistant: Yes that’s right, 99c, more-or-less…..
Available wherever books are still sold:
“Brooklyn Koans” by The Daimyo of Flatbush
Or less&up – there’s more! Not sold in any store!
Schrödinger gave up on the cat and went into selling things that are more and less than 99 cents.
I don’t know. Technically this seems right. I think they mean everything is either 99 cents or less than 99 cents, in the total range leading back up to 99 cents?
Ok nevermind forget it
Ninety-nine is price
That amount or less and more
Everyone’s confused
No, we,re open!
This is logically equivalent to “switching to GEICO could save 15% or more on car insurance”. Both are null statements.
We truly need to bring logic back as a compulsory college course.
But wait! There’s more! And less!!!
Now its $1.30, now its 45c.. god when will I have to stop saying random prices?
They sell things at basically any price!
Oh shame on you America, even the Engrishers are laughing at you!
was someone confused
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