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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
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And a rather hairy one at that.
Some people would think He made a mistake.
It’s ELVIS!!
Not sure if that’s the best way to announce one’s transgendered identity to the world..
Sorry, menopause is not when guys take a smoke break.
Thank God this guy doesn’t know what it means.
*man turns around with trollface*
“You mad?”
Man: You don’t wear makeup, you’re flat-chested and your hair is short.
Have you ever been mistaken for a man?
Woman: No, have you? 😛
Don’t be fooled by the beard.
God punk’d you.
Carpe diem, Girlfriend!
Oh, the tricks that Mother Nature plays.
Mom? Is that you? When did you switch to Marlboros?
MY – if THAT is female I’d have no problem turing straight !!
♫ Man… I feel like a woman! ♫
That’s what SHE said!
Ethel discovered menopause brought some unexpected changes.
Yes, God makes mistakes….
It is obvous that Tojo there, doesn’t speak English.
I think I’ll stick to masturbation. I get prettier women that way.
His name is pronounced ‘Feh-MAH-Leh’.
.. and which god is that he is referring to? I’ll make sure I’ll pray to a different one than his.
Did he borrow his mom’s panties when he borrowed her t-shirt?
Well….Technically and Iron Man would be a Fe Male!
When it’s laundry day, never borrow stuff from your sister!
i believe the term is FAAA-BULOUS!
Tom Brady wants his shirt back.
That girl is manlier than me…
Thank god I have no idea what ‘m wearing.
Lets all go have dinner and drinks at TGI Females.
Chastity? Er Chas? Charles, is that you?
How fitting…
To the Pharmacist: You wanna check my hormone prescriptions again?
I don’t think this is what Gloria Steinem had in mind.
I paid 1,349,290 yen for gender reassignment surgery. and all I got was this stupid t-shirt
I stole this shirt from JB. Sorry.
♫ Dude looks like a… dude ♫
Thank God I’m … HEY my sex change failed!?
PEach colors shirt, skin tight pants. . .I’m glad you’re female too. All you need to do now is carry your GF. . .I’m sorry. . .your BF’s purse!
Now that’s what you call a downstairs mixup…
“Dude looks like a lady!” …oh wait…
This is just a Japanese movie poster for “Dude! Where’s my conch?”
Hey lady… nice sideburns.
Ladies version: